A Field Trip

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[A/N: woo, finally updating! hmmm peter is taking a field trip to Avengers Tower!!! however i did a twist i haven't seen before!!! Team Cap was never allowed back at the tower (except Clint. Clint apologized, realized team cap was wrong, and got invited back to the tower.) also this contains some good peterned content i will stand by this ship until i die. also Flash is Peter's friend in this one and is only a bit of an asshole]

Peter was anxiously waiting for the bell to ring. Not only was he eager to go on patrol, but he had saved up his money to buy the game that he and Ned had wanted for a while, which is Detroit Become Human.

But when the bell rang, he realized that something was gonna go wrong. His spidey sense tickled a bit which meant that he wouldn't be happy with what was about to be said by the teacher.

"Stay back for a minute, class." Their teacher, Mr. Spice exclaimed over the chaos of students trying to quickly shove their stuff into their binders and rush out of class. Everyone collectively sighed and sank back into their seats.

"We're going on a field trip next week!" Mr. Spice announced, and the classroom erupted into cheers. Peter and Ned started excitedly talking about where they could be going. Ned thought it might be to a science centre. Peter thought it would be to an aquarium, since he had maybe looked at the teacher's desk and seen something that said aquarium.

"We're going to... Pause for dramatic effect... Avengers Tower!" Mr. Spice yelled, and the class cheered again. Peter cheered too. He just got to go hang out at home and probably see all his intern friends, and prove it to everybody who didn't believe that he actually was an intern. Or at least, everyone except a select few people knew he was actually Spiderman and not a high school intern.

"Please take a form on your way our, get it signed by Monday!" The teacher yelled as everyone pushed out of the classroom, scrambling for a form. Peter grabbed one and laughed because Ned was dramatically pretending to drown in the crowd of students around the papers.

"Peter, help! I'm drowning!" He cried sarcastically, waving his hands. Peter just laughed and grabbed one of Ned's hands, pulling him out of the crowd. He kept holding Ned's hand even as they got outside and down the stairs until they had to separate to go home.

And Peter actually went home. Well, he stopped at the game store and bought a physical disc of Detroit Become Human for like 60 dollars. He smiled and took it home, ready to surprise Ned with it the next day when he came over to the tower to build LEGO stuff.

Peter walked home happily, humming a tune as he bounced down the sidewalk, swinging the tiny bag with the game in it. He got to the tower and walked in, scanning his badge even though he could walk through the scanners without it and security would barely glance at him.

"Peter Parker, level 10 access. Shall I alert boss that you're home?" F.R.I.D.A.Y.'s voice came on as he walked through the security gate.

"Sure, Fri." Peter exclaimed, and he went to the elevator, heading up to the floor just below the penthouse one, which had Tony and Peter's combined lab and personal labs. Peter always assumed that Tony was there, and this time his assumption was right. Tony was working on his newest business idea, which was prosthetic limbs for pets. He called them 'Stark Paws™' and they obviously weren't a popular product but they helped pets in need so he would never stop making them if he had the choice to stop.

"Hey, dad. We're coming on a field trip to the tower next week, so could you sign this form? Thanks, love you." Peter walked into Tony's personal lab without putting on any eye protection or anything, placing the form on one of the desks and walking right back out. Tony said something along the lines of 'okay, love you too son' and left it at that while Peter headed up to the penthouse floor and to his room.

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