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I have changed the following in this story:


·The school starts at 8:45, instead of 7 or 8 (whatever I put) I did some research on Japanese anime HighSchools and their starting and ending time.
· Before, I made the characters wear normal clothes but now they will wear uniforms (Ill find a uniform on google and show you guys once I find one that I like so I don't have to describe it) .

Das it :>

Also up there ^, I have the Maid Café outfits the girls will wear :). Just look up there if you need disclosure on what they look like. (May and WILL change in the future. I have so many outfits I like but I can't choose just one. I MAY make a chapter with all if the outfits so you guys can decide) And BTW, if you feel like its more accurate to have the girls wear the 8island uniform they wore in the anime, let me know. I honestly can't decide.

Anyway, Enjoy the chapter <3


Welcome, Masters!" Lucy beamed as she stood near the entrance to the Maid Café, welcoming the couple who just walked through the door. She held a menu closely to her chest as she bowed, loose strands of her blonde hair sliding past her shoulders to hang as she faced the floor.

It had been about a week now that Lucy, and the other girls had started their new job at the café--and safe to say--it had been hectic.

The first day, the girls learned all the necessities of what to do for the customers, what to say to their customers, and all in all how to be a good waiter- or 'maid' in the matter.

They served, failed, and did all the unbelievable the first day which their boss didn't mind. It was their first day after all!

The second day wasn't nearly as bad for 3 of the girls, but one of them had a hard time.

Levy tripped on the pink and pastel orange mat that adorned the floor which led out of the entry way, all the way to the end of the wall where a table was-which so happened to be where Levy tripped. It wouldn't have been so bad if she just fell on her lonesome, but no. She tripped with a tray full of food consisting of rice shaped and decorated like a panda head, rosemary tea, and a little cute bun with a kitten print on the front.

To make matters more interesting- the tea ended up getting spilled on a mans t-shirt as he was trying to walk up to Levy to get her number. The hot tea splashed him, and he immediately freaked out...


"What the hell?!" The man yelled as the scolding hot beverage spilled on his shirt, reaching his un-clothed chest instantly burning the mans olive skin.

Levy looked up from the floor she face-planted on with bits of rice in her hair as she heard the man yell --instantly noticing her mistake, and worst of all at the corner if her eye seeing her boss coming out of his office after hearing the un-pleased man screeching-- shot up and bowed to the man.

"Gomenasai!!!!" She said as tears pricked the corners of her eyes, hoping to the gods she wouldn't be fired.

"Why do you work here if your so clumsy?!?" to his scream, Levy looked up to the man a blush already staining her face from embarrassment. The man with green-like hair standing infront of her angrily looked at the petite women infront of him. "Are you not gonna say anything??" he asked as Levy stared a gap at the man she presumed to be in his early 20's. Levy foolishly didn't speak after that and continued to stare which infuriated the guy more. "That's it, I want my money back!!! And where is your boss?" the man got in her face

Maid Café Secret (A Fairy Tail Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now