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A month has passed since the ship USA Ohio has been in orbit of the new planet, some people live on the planet and some still live on the ship.  The people who live on the planet live in tents, huts, and cabins.  The senior staff is on the ship in the briefing room sitting at the table, Tucker is speaking.  " As you all know by now we have found our new home, we have been here for a month now and still have no name for this planet."   Jennifer looks around the table at everyone and then looks at Tucker.  " How does Eden sound?"  Before Tucker can answer, chief political officer Commander  Dan Forrester interrupts them.  " Captain I think we should be trying to communicate with Earth about our status."  Tucker and Jennifer look at Dan, and Jennifer speaks.  " We have been trying to communicate with Earth since we've been here, we can't reach them."   Chief communication's officer  Commander Elaine Blair looks at Dan and speaks. " That's right, we can not get a hold of anyone, and that includes the USA too."  Dan looks at Derek the chief of security and speaks.  " Security, what about launching a probe?" Derek looks at Dan.  " We've launched a probe and a beacon a week ago and no response."  Dan looks at everyone around the table and then looks down at the table.  Tucker sees the tension on Dan's face and wonders if he's the only one who notices, Jennifer looks at everyone around the table as she speaks.  " We might as well face it that we're the only USA ship and the only humans out here, there may be no way of returning back to USA or Earth."  Dan looks at Tucker and speaks. " So we're just giving up on trying to get back home?"  Tucker looks at Dan.  " No, but in the meantime, we need to face the facts of being the only surviving people of the planet Earth.  This is our new home, our new world."  Jennifer looks at Dan. " Right so we need to come up with a name for our new home."  Elaine looks at everyone at the table while she speaks. " I think the name Eden is an appropriate name for this place."  Tucker looks around the table at everyone. " Any objections to calling this planet Eden?"  No one answers, Tucker and Jennifer smile and Tucker speaks.   " Eden it is. Now we need to start a government system for Eden."  Dan leans forward in his chair with a grin on his face as he is looking around the table at everyone, Jennifer sees Dan looking at everyone with a grin on his face, and she speaks. " I suppose you would want to be president of the colonies?"  Dan looks at Jennifer with a bigger grin on his face. " Well, I am the chief political officer which makes me more qualified."  Tucker looks at Dan and Jennifer as does everyone at the table, and Tucker speaks while looking at Dan. " We will vote on political positions just like we do back on Earth, anyone can put in a ballot for their self or for someone else."  Everyone around the table agrees with Tucker, and after a few hours of planning for a new world government system, they all leave the briefing room to get the new system started.  Tucker and Jennifer stay behind after everyone else leaves, Jennifer walks up to Tucker of whom is still sitting down, and Tucker looks up at her.  "Tucker  I don't mind telling you that I'm scared to death about all of this."  Tucker stands up and draws her close into his arms and looks into her eyes. "Me too, but things will work out."  They stare into each other's eyes, Jennifer forgot how strong Tucker is and how much she wants him, and Tucker feels Jennifer's frame in his arms and can't help but to want her, Derek beeps in on Tucker's wrist communicator and Tucker responds as he and Jennifer pull apart.  "Tucker here go ahead Derek."  "Captain I've picked up strange mythical life forms on Eden."  Tucker and Jennifer look at each other with a puzzled look on their face. "Explain Derek."  " Well Captain, I'm picking up unicorns, dragons, big gigantic butterflies, and big flying dinosaur birds."  " Derek I'm on my way to the security station on the bridge, meet me there." " Yes, Captain."  Tucker tabs his wrist communicator, he and Jennifer head for the security station on the bridge.  Tucker and Jennifer meet Derek at the security station on the bridge, Derek shows them the mythical animals on the viewscreen, they see some flying horses as well, and everyone on the bridge sees them too. Derek looks at Tucker and Jennifer. " These animals are common on this planet, the reason I didn't notice them before was that I was scanning for humanoid life forms."  Tucker looks at Derek. " Does this planet have animals like back on Earth?" Derek is still looking at Tucker.  " Yes sir it does, but it doesn't have any regular butterflies, horses, or birds."  Jennifer looks at Derek. " Are they friendly though?"  Derek looks at both Tucker and Jennifer. " Yes, in fact, some of the crew and their families have already been in contact with them which is why I'd broaden my scans."  Tucker and Jennifer look at each other and then Tucker looks back at Derek.  " Ok, Derek keep me and the Commander posted of whatever strange things that happen or you find on Eden."  " Aye Captain will do."  Tucker looks at Jennifer and she looks at Tucker. " Commander join me in my ready room."  They both walk away from the security station and head for the ready room.  A few minutes pass by and they're in Tucker's ready room, they're both sitting on the couch a few feet from his desk, Jennifer's looking down while Tucker's looking at her.  " Wow, now we're living on a planet with mythical creatures on it."  Jennifer shifts her position.  " Yeah, how strange is that?"  " At least they're friendly."  Jennifer reaches for Tucker's hand slowly, Tucker slowly grips her hand, they look into each other's eyes and slowly move in for a kiss, with passion building up in them both they can feel a tingling coming over them, Tucker feels Jennifer's soft wet lips on his as he places his hands on her cheeks gently, while at the same time Jennifer slowly and softly rubs the inside of Tucker's legs, Jennifer feels her heart beating faster and faster and she starts to get hot, Tucker starts to feel hot as well and feels his ravage animal instinct wanting to kick into overdrive.  Even though the both of them still have strong feelings for each other, they've always loved each other, at this very moment both of them knew that what was happening now was just lustful desire for each other, each of them knows that this can get complicated, after all Jennifer's married with a son, Tucker and her hasn't seen each other for years, and he is her commanding officer now.  Jennifer starts to undo her uniform when her wrist communicator beeps, they stop kissing and pull apart from each other so she can answer her page. " Watson here."  A voice comes over the wrist communicator, it's Tatto.  " Commander will you please come down to engineering ?" " Tatto what is it?" " It's the department where the ship's systems operate out of and where they're maintained."  Jennifer and Tucker look at each other and then Jennifer looks at her wrist communicator."  I meant, what's the problem?" " There's not really a problem, just wanted to know if you'll come down to engineering." " I'm quite busy at the moment." " Ok no sweat, Tatto out."  Jennifer tabs her wrist communicator and looks at Tucker, Tucker looks at Jennifer with a sad look on his face. " You know Jennifer, if you and I were married I wouldn't want you to be seeing someone else." " Yeah, I know. I should get to engineering." Jennifer stands up and straightens her uniform, Tucker looks up at her from the couch.  She notices Tucker looking at her and looks at him with a sad smile on her face. " I'm sorry for the way things turned out for us Tucker."  " Yeah, me too. For what it's worth Jennifer, I still love you." Jennifer's eyes start to water, she lets a big smile form on her face, and then she leaves the ready room.  Tucker stands up and straightens his uniform and then goes to sit at his desk.

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