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Enjoy the story☺️

Drift POV

I woke up to the blaring sound of my alarm. "Ughhhhhhh" I groaned. First day of high school. I wanted to die. I got up and got dressed. I put on my hood. I ate some cereal, grabbed my bag and was on my way. I sat waiting for the bus and listened to some music. Someone was coming my way. Who is that? What is that... Snorkel! I was excited but I kept myself calm. "Hey Snorkel!" I said shouting to her. She looked up "Drift?" She asked. Her faced lighted up when she realized it was me. I ran over to her and picked her up in a hug and spun her around. "How have you been? It's been so long!" I asked her. "I'm good. Thanks." She said blushing. I smiled. "Cmon." I told her. I grabbed her hand and brought her to the bench as we waited for our bus. We got on when it arrived and went to 1st period. Me and Snorkel had History 1st. I was looking around to see if there was anyone we knew. I saw Brite and Raptor sitting in the back together. Brite was sleeping on Raptors chest. 'Typical' I thought. They had always been the iconic couple at our past school. Looks like it's not gonna be any different here. 'I wish I had a girlfriend. Raptors so lucky to have one.' I thought and sighed. I fell asleep till the bell rang. I jolted awake and fell out of my seat. I heard Snorkel laugh. I blushed and sat back up. I grabbed my bag, got up and waited outside for them. Out came Brite, then Snorkel, and last Raptor. I gave Brite a high five, I hugged Snorkle again and fist bumped Raptor, "I see nothing's changed between you two." I told Brite and Raptor. "Same with y'all." Brite said and they both laughed. Snorkel blushed hard and looked away. I didn't understand. "Huh? What's that supposed to mean?" I asked. They all looked at me with a 'Really? You're an idiot.' Face. "What?" I asked. "You'll see. I'm sure it'll happen soon enough. Just be around her a lot and it'll happen." Brite said smirking. Snorkel looked away again, looking like a tomato. I was still confused, The two laughed Snorkel was still blushing tho. I sighed and walked to my next class.

~Time Skip~

Same POV
It was lunch and I sat at a table with Brite, Raptor and Snorkel. "So y'all wanna hangout after school?" Raptor asked. "And do what?" Brite asked, "Scary Movie!" I suggested. Brite was fine but Snorkel wasn't on board. "Come on Snork. Don't be such a baby." Brite said. "I'm not a baby!" Snorkel said then pouting. I chuckled. "Cmon Snorkel. It'll be fun!" I tried to persuade her. After a lot of begging she finally gave in. "Yes! Thank you now I have something to do!" I told her. She riled her eyes "You're welcome." She said.

~Time Skip~

Same POV
We were at Raptors house and he was setting up the movie. I sat
next to Snorkel on the couch while Brite just sat on Raptors lap (😏😂) We turned off the lights and started the movie. I had seen it before so no scares got me. Snorkel hugged me closer the more scared she was. I new when the scares were coming so I held her tighter. Halfway during the movie she got to scared she wouldn't even look at the screen. I rolled my eyes and faced towards her and hugged her tight. I cupped her face and made her look at me. "It's okay. It's just a movie alright?" I asked her trying to get her to calm down. She was breathing heavily. She nodded and steadied her breathing. I smiled. "Ok good." I told her and kissed the top of her head. I didn't mean anything by it at the time. I'm guessing Brite saw this because she was whispering to Raptor kinda loud "Omg Omg! He kissed her! He kissed her!" She said. I blushed. "It was on top of the head! I didn't mean anything by it!" I told her. She rolled her eyes and smirked, "Sure..." She said. I sighed. I just wrapped my arms around Snorky and watched the rest of the movie. Until Raptor decided 'Hey this is a good time to make out.' They made out making us feel awkward like we were both one big third wheel. I pulled down the little black mask I have over my mouth and mouthed the words 'I feel uncomfortable' She nodded and chuckled. She was starting to fall asleep, so I held her and rocked her to sleep like she was a big baby. She was asleep. I looked at Raptor and Brite but then immediately looked away in disgust then I thought. 'What does it feel like to kiss?' I asked myself this a lot before my curiosity got the better of me. I adjusted her head to look at me. I slowly went in and kissed her softly and slowly. She didn't wake up. Raptor and Brite stopped making out, and were looking at me with there mouths open. Oh shit. They saw. 'Busted' I thought. "We'll let it slide." Brite said. I let out a sigh of relief. "Thank you so much." I told her. She nodded and they went back to kissing. I held Snorkel till the movie ended. "Well! What now?" Raptor asked standing up. Snorkel jolted awake. "Huh? What's going on?" Snorkel asked. "Calm down the movie ended." I told her. "Oh thank god." She said. I chuckled. "Well it's gating late I'm gonna go." I told her. Snorkel pouted and said fine. I hugged her. "Goodnight.". "Goodnight." She replied. I waved bye and walked out the door. I walked home, changed and then went to sleep.

Hey lil muffins how you doing? This chap was wrote by ya boi SkyBound. UnicornStuffing is supposed to be doing the next chap I think. Anyway hope y'all enjoyed. Deucies.

Blind Love | DriftxSnorkelOps | BriteBomberxRaptor |Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant