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it was tuesday, or maybe wednesday, jimin couldn't remember a thing aside from what he had for dinner due to his hangover reminding him. he kicked two empty beer bottles off his twin sized bed and onto the wooden floor, shattering them into pieces.

"park jimin you better clean that up before i shove the pieces down your throat." jin said from the doorway.

"where the fuck did you come from, and why should i? it's my fucking room." jimin grunted before flinging his sore legs over the ledge of the bed, small feet unable to touch the floor, which wasn't so bad considering one step would cause shards of glass to impale the dainty appendages.

"first of all, fuck you, second, i don't want you to get hurt because then i have to deal with your whiny ass since you know damn well that no one else will." jin huffed, his black wings protruding out to appear a little more intimidating, before walking out and ignoring the other boy's mocking cries. jimin sighed as he hopped over the glass, knees giving out a little nearly making him fall. he picked his phone up and walked to the bathroom that was adjacent to his room.

he pulled his pants down, struggling a bit since he could've sworn he only had one clasp on his jeans and not four, and looked at his phone.

11:38am, probably the earliest jimin has ever woken up. he had multiple messages from someone named 'jennie' and a lot from a few people back in korea. he disregarded them all and put his phone on the sink before finishing and pulling his pants back up. he walked two steps over to the sink and smirked at his appearance. hickeys. everywhere. his neck was covered in them, a huge red and purple blotch on his adam's apple and another smaller one under his left ear. black hair tousled and bangs half in his face and half pushed back. his scalp stung a bit as he tried to put the locks back in place but gave up when nothing stayed. jimin washed his hands before splashing some water on his face and rubbing at his eyes and cheeks, effectively washing some of the eyeliner and foundation off. with black stained hands he put them under the running water and sighed.

living the dream, he believed.

"jimin, we have company, hurry the fuck up." the demon screamed from the living room. the black haired man sighed before turning the water off, drying his face, and walking out the bathroom into the somewhat clean living room, but he stopped in his tracks when he saw there was one more person in the apartment than usual.

jimin was used to seeing weird things. when he met seokjin about two years ago, he discovered his dark wings the minute he pinned the elder against the wall and he hissed in pain, caressing what jimin assumes was the wall. after that he stopped being surprised at these sort of things. but this felt different. the man on the couch didn't give off the sexy and untouchable vibe that the demon did, no—he gave off good, almost euphoric vibes that jimin wasn't used to at all. he will admit, the man looked good. his light pink, almost white wings were a beautiful contrast to his tan skin. brown hair parted to where his forehead was exposed; it looked soft, and jimin felt like touching it. but even though there was a good looking man on his couch, there's still a stranger on his couch—in his apartment.

"who the fuck are you?" he spat, standing far enough to see both entities. a small smirk ghosting over his lips at the sound of jin nearly growling at the other.

"m-my name is jeongguk. considering you have a demon here too, im sure you know that we were assigned to you and-"

"hold up, angle boy, you were assigned to him? hah, why does he need an angel when he has something even better? me." jin shifted his weight to the other foot and crossed his arms. his eyes are now red and piercing through the skin of the angel as they raked up and down his body.

"because the last thing heaven needs is lucifer laughing in gods face for stealing another soul. look, whatever game they have going on, we're stuck as pawns, and id like to keep my wings. they were a bitch to grow and to heal and i'm sure having them snipped off isn't as fun for us as it is for you," he stood up, taller than jimin, like seokjin, and he didn't like it. "long story short, don't trust demons. that man will screw your life over. i'm here to make sure you don't die at the age of 23 from something stupid."

"are you kidding me? god sent you down knowing that i'm here? is he nuts? fuck, lucifer didn't know that there's be an angel with me. he'll kill me!"

jimin was about to butt in, say that they're both technically not alive but he couldn't manage to say anything through the thick atmosphere between the other two. jeongguk stood there, waiting patiently for jin to continue since the demon seethed with anger. jimin was impressed. whenever jin would blow up, he would reciprocate that anger and distress, causing the two of them to fight and eventually fuck their anger out, but jeongguk didn't show any emotion.

"this is bullshit! i don't mind you being here, at first i swore you were someone minnie slept with and i would've been fine with that, but you can't just come in my house and take my boy away from me." jeongguk waited, knowing that jin was just about finished with his small tantrum.

"i'm sorry. i didn't exactly have control over this arrangement. jimin is a big deal up in heaven and i'm sure he's looked highly upon in hell, but if we both were sent, then we might as well just make his work. as far as i'm concerned, i have a job to do and that job is to keep jimin alive and healthy and make sure that he lives a much better life now than when he was in korea," jimin subconsciously flinched at the mention of his past. it was never something he wanted to live through again, but then again, jimin isn't a baby. the fire in his belly was gradually getting hotter and all he wanted to do was snap. he didn't need babysitters. he's an adult.

"whatever," jin spat, "this is bullshit but stay out of my way. i've been here for months, this is our apartment, not yours. make yourself comfortable or stay in heaven during the night." he gave up. walking into the kitchen at 12:03pm to slam the cabinet door open and take out the bottle of whiskey he kept above the sink. he cursed everything under his breath as he cut the neck off the bottle with his nail and ignored everything around him as he drank.

jimin sat on the chair across from the couch. neither said a word to each other as their eyes locked. it was obvious the angel was studying him, getting a good look at the man he'll be stuck with for a while. jeongguk then sat on the couch again, legs crossed, head tilted back in annoyance or maybe exhaustion, before sighing.

"you should quit drinking. or at least cut back so you don't wake up reeking of beer and fast food."

"you should mind your own business. i don't need babysitters. i'd kick jin's ass out if i didn't like that part of him so much, what's keeping me from kicking your ass out of my apartment?"

the angel looked at jimin. "unless you're going to suck my dick or find some way to pay for shit then you should just leave. i'm not fucking five." jeongguk couldn't stop himself from grinning. in a sense, jimin was right, he could've easily kicked jeongguk out but he's still sitting on that ratty couch. jin was still here because he gives his body up to jimin and also helps him loosen up with drugs, alcohol, and nasty fast food by illegally obtaining money. but that's what demons do best, right?

"i'm here to make sure you don't die, jimin. there's mcdonald's trash everywhere and nasty microwaveable noodles, not even the good brand of cheap noodles either."

jimin rolled his eyes, not really bothered by the mess around the place. he walked over to the angel and stared up at him (this would be more intimidating if he wasn't taller than jimin), eyes piercing through the poise façade. "listen here, jeon, i don't care what you do, but i do not give you permission to interfere with my life. i'm perfectly fine with how things are. no work, no school, i'm free and it feels so damn amazing, and i do not want some fucking priss getting in the way. got it? now you can stay out here or go steal jin's room, he'll probably camp in my pants while you're here anyway."

after one final poke to the chest, jimin walked away, back to his room to change into something that smells less like sex, alcohol, and drugs before yelling at the demon to take him out. leaving jeongguk in the quiet, dirty apartment.

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