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taehyung looked down to earth, chuckling to himself as he watched his best friend sleep on the ratty couch while jin and jimin were busy with each other. taehyung was visiting yoongi, who was currently creating a few shooting stars for the west side of the world to see. taehyung watched as he balled his hand into a fist, leaving his index finger out to point at a meteor and fling it across the sky. he loved watching yoongi work his magic; it was always so beautiful. yoongi didn't say anything when he saw taehyung's blueish wings flutter while he watched with awe, he didn't make a show of it either, just did his job with a content sigh.

a lot of angels were placed randomly in the zones, but yoongi was more than happy to be placed with the stars. when he was alive, his favorite class in school was astronomy. he watched the stars every night, creating his own map of the stars and the planets and even went as far drawing where the asteroid belt and other galaxies would be, thanks to his telescope and the internet of course. he truly loved being in charge of the night sky. and he knew he always had an audience of one lovestruck boy.

once the meteor burned out, he looked over at the silver headed boy with a smile. taehyung was one of his favorite, albeit most annoying, angel around. he knew where taehyung hid and everything that he does to the stars to try and get yoongi to notice him, or maybe reprimand him, but that didn't stop yoongi from letting it all slide. if he said something, he was afraid of suddenly being left alone, but this time he wanted to talk to him.

"you wanna try?"

taehyung froze, wings naturally curling in on himself to appear smaller, but once yoongi's words registered in his mind, he smiled and flew closer.

yoongi took his hand and sat him down between his legs. taehyung could easily rest his head on yoongi's thick thigh and truly be in heaven. "point at that one," he said, hand trailing down to the younger's elbow and carefully moving it to the right direction. "relax and think about the color yellow, it'll be easier to control for you."

taehyung closed his eyes and listened to yoongi intently. everything yellow popped up into his mind, before he open them, yoongi moved closer to his ear and let go of his arm to put both hands on taehyung's waist.

"now toss it in any direction, don't hold back." a shaky exhale left the younger's lips and he threw the meteor to his right. he opened his eyes and watched as it swam through the sky, a bright but beautiful yellow glow to it that made him smile.

it wasn't uncommon for zones to help each other. often times jonghyun would ask one of the suns to help pull the moon up or paint it (especially during eclipses), or the earth zones would help each other to properly balance things out, so having taehyung closer to the stars wasn't anything odd (okay maybe being between yoongi's legs with his arms around his waist was a little odd).

"beautiful." the elder whispered into taehyung's ear, mostly talking about the boy who was glowing with pride and happiness at his creation more than the shooting star itself and it sent a lovely shiver down the boy's spine.
they stayed like that for a while. jeongguk long gone from taehyung's mind as yoongi's thumb rubbed small circles on the back of his upper arm, squeezing the lean muscle under the soft skin. for a long time yoongi has known that the other angel watched him from afar (and messed with the stars, giving some of earth's astronomers a scare) and he can't say he hasn't done the same. of course being eternal means you have benefits like not needing certain things mortals do to survive, but upon request from older angels, they have coffee places and restaurants from all around the world in one area like a mall, and yoongi often goes when his 'shift' is over and he sees the younger with his best friend a lot. his smile is one of yoongi's favorites.

it was comfortable, overwhelmingly so for taehyung. he's told many people about yoongi, his grandma being the first person to know, then jeongguk, and maybe the dog and two cats wandering around but that's just for him to know about. granted, he has talked to yoongi before, but nothing ever like this. every other time taehyung was a complete and utter mess; stuttering out a 'hi' until jeongguk pushed him or yoongi walked away, tripping over himself, occasionally staring so hard both jeongguk and yoongi has wiped off a little drool that caked at the corner of his mouth and sometimes dripping to his neck, he was just so enamored. but right now, it felt kind of nice.

pushing away all anxiety and the crap his mind came up with, taehyung relished in the feeling of yoongi touching him. yoongi told him to shoot another one down, this time telling him to think blue, and so he did, shooting his second star to the left and watching blue flames tail behind it. a part of yoongi does regret telling him how this all works considering the other angel messes around with giant stars and throws some other constellations out of alignment for fun, but at least he'll know taehyung will want him whenever he sees a stray shooting star.

"shouldn't you be looking after your friend?" yoongi looked to the side, using his free hand to part the clouds and snap his fingers to see jimin's apartment.

jeongguk was awake now, stretching his long limbs like a cat before kindly saying hello to the demon that walked out with a glass of water for jimin, completely ignoring the middle finger shot his way. he got off the couch and walked over to the bathroom, getting a peek at a naked, sweaty, and panting jimin who had a fucked out but happy grin on his face as jin places the cup in his hand.

yoongi pushed the clouds back and placed both hands on taehyung's small waist, pulling him just a little closer. it's been a while since yoongi has done this to someone, maybe it was when he was back on earth, who knows, but it felt comforting to have another heartbeat accompany his own.

"tomorrow night," yoongi dropped his hands before turning taehyung around to face him. "come back see me. after you're done watching guk and all, come see me. i want to show you something else. now you should probably head back before mina comes to check on us since i'm kinda the only star kid here." taehyung nodded, not wanting to move but yoongi pushed him up and pulled him into his feet.

eventually taehyung did leave him alone, reluctantly of course, and retreated back to his apartment. he snapped his fingers and pushed away the clouds to check on his best friend. jeongguk was asleep again. jin was awake on the chair across from him, playing on his phone and occasionally glancing at the angel every time he stirred in his sleep. jimin was in his now clean room, asleep like jeongguk, cuddling a pillow with the blanket thrown to the side. taehyung was glad everything was okay, but that doesn't mean tomorrow will be any better.

the angel sighed, falling face first onto the bed and sighing. jeongguk was always right, while they don't need sleep, it definitely helps. taehyung was drained. it takes a lot to be so close to someone you admire, even more to actually talk and have them touch you, for god's sake. his limbs felt weak and soon his eyelids followed, closing and letting him relax into the soft bedding of he and jeongguk's shared bed.

hopefully tomorrow he'll be prepare fire whatever yoongi has in store.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 20, 2018 ⏰

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