Chapter 2: Eren Jeager

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Just another day in the Survey Corps. We were just returning from yet another expedition outside the walls. Commander Erwin had a great plan that we had fewer casualties then we did when we were up against the female Titan, or should I say Annie Leonhart. To this day, almost 4 months after that incident, I still can't believe our friend, or rather former friend, was hiding such a big secret from us.

Annie is not the only one who kept her true form hidden from us. Reiner Braun, Bertolt Hoover, and Ymir also have the power to transform into our worst enemies, Titans. In fact, it's Reiner and Bertolt's fault that Titans got into wall Maria and killed so many civilians, one being my mother, Carla Jeager.

I believe I am forgetting one thing and that is to introduce myself. My name is Eren Jeager. I have an adopted sister named Mikasa Ackerman, and my father, Grisha Jeager, who god knows where he ran off to before my mother died. He worked as a doctor to help any injured or sick civilians.  I also have my best friend Armin Arlert. He lost his grandfather who was forced, along with other men, to try fighting against the beasts. As a child, I always wished to join the Survey Corps but my parents would always be against it.

When I was about 8 or 9, I met Mikasa. Her parents were patients of my dad so one day I accompanied him to meet her, since my dad told me about her. We had arrived at her house when my dad saw the door open. He looked inside, gasped and turned away, so I knew something must have happened. Something happened indeed. I saw both Mikasa's parents in a pool of their own blood; they were dead. My dad had gone to find help and told me to stay. Being the bratty and troublesome kid I was, I went out to look for Mikasa. I had eventually found her and had to do something I thought I'd never do. I killed two men that day, but was also almost killed until Mikasa, who had a knife in her hand, killed the man that was choking me. After that, we officially adopted Mikasa into our family.

I think I'm missing one thing in my whole life story. After our 3 years training as cadets, we were waiting for when we would have to select which regiment we would be apart of. Like I said before, I wanted to join the scouts. After the Titans invaded Shiganshina, I vowed to kill every Titan in the world. Mikasa being her over-protective self, said she would join with me. Armin said he would too since he always sticks with me and Mikasa. Anyway, while we were getting ready for graduation, the Titans invaded Trost District. Since we had been training, we were told to help the other 2 regiments fight back. That day there were many casualties and we lost close friends like Marco Bodt, who was so happy all the time. I at one point got swallowed by a Titan while saving Armin. Long story short, on that day I learned that I could transform into a Titan and fight back. Now I serve the Survey Corps and transform when absolutely necessary.

Today I was just wandering around our castle when Captain Levi came up to me. "Yeager I need you to head up to the attic and sweep the floors. Jean knows nothing about sweeping so I need you to do it for him. " "Yes sir!" I said and took the broom he had in his hands. Captain Levi is one of the best soldiers we have in the scouts, but he is also a big clean freak. He is also very strong as during a trial to see where I was gonna end up, either the Military Police(the laziest regiment in my opinion) or the scouts, he actually beat me up after I lashed out. I must admit, he has got one hell of a kick!

I head up the attic and on my way I pass some of my friends. "Hey Eren." my friend Historia says while cleaning windows. "Where are you headed?"Connie asks me. "I've been tasked with cleaning the attic." I said and she begins to shake. "Be careful up there, last time I had to clean the attic, I saw a really big spider and tons of spider webs. " "Thanks Historia, I'll keep that in mind." I wave goodbye as I head up the stairs towards the attic. When I reach the top, I feel something against my foot. It's too dark to see so I reach for the light switch.

What I see kinda freaks me out. I am standing in front of a huge box and inside there is a  decapitated Titan head. "This must be one of Hanji's old test subjects" I think to myself. "What is it doing in".....BANG.

What the hell was that?!?!. I turn around and see that no one is behind me. It must have come from downstairs. I take another look at the box and this time see that the head is gone! It just disappeared in the few seconds that I had my back turned. "I think that I'm just going insane. Yeah that's it, I'm going-"BANG BANG BANG.

OK now I'm freaking out. I turn around and all of a sudden, I notice that the box is gone too. At the same time, I feel something sharp pierce the skin of my forearm. I turn around to see who it was but I then feel another sharp object hit me in the chest. My vision starts to get cloudy and the next thing I know, I've blacked out. The last thing I think I heard was:


Then a bone-chilling laugh.

After that

I faded into darkness.

Hey guys i'm sorry this is late at night. I had homework i wanted to get done.

what do you think is happening to these characters?

what will happen next?

Find out in the next chapters!

Thanks! ;). also i was wondering, if you have any questions about me, just leave them in my comments or in my inbox and i'll do a chapter dedicated to your questions!


By the way, sorry the descriptions in this chapter were so long. I wanted to explain everything so people who haven't watched AOT or haven't watched in a long time forgot.

And i'm sorry in advance if any info i wrote is incorrect. i might've written the wrong fact so if you notice anything wrong, feel free to let me know!

Thanks for reading!!!

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