Buy| Arno

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(B/n)- brother's name


Jacob creates a chat: Master Assassin Boss wants cake🍰🍰

Jacob adds Arno

Jacob : buy my cake

Arno: what?

Jacob : buy me the chocolate cake that I showed you.

Arno: how....

Jacob : with money, duh. I know it's ur salary month Dorian

Arno: but I'm nowhere near the store

Jacob : Elise and Evie told me ur at the mall

Arno: damn

Jacob : cake, cake, give me cake

Jacob : give me all that sweet damn cake 🍫🍰

Arno: last time I bought some cake, you covered the whole bureau with chocolate, that it looks like big foot took a huge dump

Arno: and I got blamed for it!

Jacob : correction....WE ALL got the blame, ur not so special Dorian

Arno: how the hell is that special?! It took us 48 hours to clean the damn place!!!!

Arno: I have to cancel my date with (y/n) that night! Thanks to u!!

Jacob : sorry...? (Lol not sorry)

Arno: and why did you put this conversation up on public chats?

Arno: you could've just text me or something!

Arno: do u even know how hard it is to keep it a secret that I'm in the mall?!

Jacob : you left my last text on read. You deserve it

Arno: unlesh chaos bc I didnt reply to your useless Memes?!

Jacob : u had insulted me, Dorian. And you shall suffer for it

Altair joins the chat

Altair : mall huh? Cool so Listen, I need some new blades for my sword, the old ones were.....well old to be in use

Arno: no way! Buy on ur own with ur own money

Arno: I came here for one reason and ONE reason alone!

Jacob : cake?

Arno: no!

Altair : buy me blades

Arno: fk off!

Shay joins the chat

Shay : I need another journal

Shay : mall. U. Buy me

Arno: this is what I've been trying to avoid!!

Arno: no! No! And definitely not you, Cormac! you're still not forgiven after LAST TIME!!

Shay: It was your so called friends fault we got kicked out of that concert dorian and u know it!!

Jacob : my stomach is howling for some sweet pastry here Dorian

Altair : why don't u make ur own cake like a true cake appreciator? Weaaakk!

❝ 𝐖𝐞𝐥𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐜𝐫𝐞𝐞𝐝 ❞  ❦Assassins Creed TextWhere stories live. Discover now