"Ink-Pot City"

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Cuphead P.O.V:

We finally entre to the city but there's nobody just statues everywhere, we continue walking until we arrive to a large yard with full of statue around us, i just keep looking aroud if there any danger coming, he stop, " well, end of the trip" he said

" what do you meand end the trip?, there is nothing just statue, wheres the Off-Colors"

" they're here with us", i grab my sword ready to fight , when he say that 

" don't you see them?", i just realise that the off-colors are statues

"well we gonna camp here, and we gonna start work tomorrow at the dawn,  you stands guard" 

~in the morning~

"wake up sleeepy head", i immediately wake up and I got up and wait for the next ordes

" you want to know what was this ink for, well then, pour some ink on the statue and you'll get the answer", i got to my horse and take the tank and i use the needle which he connected with the tank and pour a drop of ink on the statue as my hand shakes with fear but nothing happend, I start to doubt on this one, he tell me to continue, "getting fun to see me manipulate death in the bottle" i said , and i continue on other statue, nothing happen again

" i don't understand your little game, Asmodeus"

" continue with the other one , and don't lose a single drop of ink, got it !"

i do the same thing to serval statue, same result nothing until, a statue opens its eyes when i pour some ink on it


" want to see a real Off-Colors, Zoujaj son, it's done"

" wait, that's a Off-Color!!!"

"yes, in the colors season, these coward transform their body to a ink stone, they wake up at the first storm, or at the first ink drop"

" so that's right, they're all here, hiding on among all these statues"

" i see tha you start to understand, these poor jerk pass the black season to sculpt statues that look like them, and at the first ray of sun , these brilliant artists take the pose on their foot of estale, petrify and mix with their double of stone,... enough talking mark that one and find other"

after some time i mark some of them as he prepar himself as he took a gulline whistle and tied it to his collar with his armor

" now listen to me referrale if you any gulline kill them"*

"Gulline why are you scared"

" don't try to understand, kill them,that's all"

" oh for that you can count on me, you see me at the training" i said as I take a place on a small pile of rock watching the sky

he took the box and go to one of the marked statue, kneel down and open it 

" as long as this box is open or as long as I hold a colored plasma ball, if you see any Gulline kill them its a question of life or death "

"what you gonna do with?"

"my duty, referral, my knight duty and watch the sky"

he put one of colored pasma ball on th statue, took his gulline whistle and blew on it, when i hears the sound i thought it was a real gulline i turn as i see the statue explose 

" the gulline scream, it's was you right!"

"the love song of gulline, the song of death, let's continue"

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