The Two Season

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Cuphead P.O.V:

I escort the statue to the source of ink and once I stopped I climbed on a rock near the source, and delicately dipped the statue in and waited, until a flying creature came out of the ink, fly around me and dipped again i gstill watching the ink, intil i hear someone talk "Cuphead is yourt name , isn't ?" i chock when i see him out the ink pool all tha i can is his head, he've a long horn with  a rings on each horn and big  black diamon eye and his fur was black like shadows 

"But , how did you know that?"

"even if we're petrify, we hear everything"

"that's horrible!!!"

"yeah we hear the death coming with the heavy pat of your knight, we watching we look at it from the front totally helpless"he said with a sad tone

" by the way, i forgot i didn't introduce myself, i'm Bendy, and is that right you find me pretty?"

I look at him with a big blush on my face  " but ..i..uuuh .... i never say that, and also you're just an Off-Color anyway" i said as i panic a little, i didn't know what say but i reget to say that thing , he look at me angry

" and you're just a assassin colrs who come here to steal our bright color stone"

" not at all,... well.... I, you the one  who started sending your monster to every black season"

"WHAT!!! but who told you about this foolishness,finally you're like the other , all these colors and light  blind your reason"

" no wait !!!!" he get really angry and he dipped on the ink, i hear the explosion coming from "ink-pot city"  it's mean that the other knight arrive to the city.

The night begins to fall, i've to find a place where to sleep but not so far, i found a giant dragon skull, just close enough of the source,perfect place, great that i didn't forgot to take my bag threre, i go collect some wood for the fire, I settled comfortably and then I started to light the fire,he came out of the ink, curious he asked me 

"what's this? magic?"

"nah!! it's just fire "

" so that's the fire,it's doesn't scared you?" he said as he come closer to see the fire 

" of course not, le fire is very important element for us, le light and colors is live source, and NO DON'T COME CLOSER!!! you're wet" i said as he come closer to me soaking with ink, he take some step back and sit down

" you mean that for you, the ink that scares you"

" the ink is the death for us don't you know?" , his little flying inky creature, come to his shoulder give him something to eat, he sniff the smell 

" buah, what is that smell , you're really eat that"

" yeah it's delicious, it's horse meat"

"you wanna try it" we both ous at the same time

" it's full of ink, it's deadly for us, your fruit and vegetable are our worst enemy"

" so you also make war with the inky salade and inky apple,what a barbarian, besides it doesn't surprise see how you drag me here" he said, look each other for some moment and laught both of us

"let's make peace, Cuphead the color one"

"with pleasure, Bendy, the son of ink"

~the next morning~

Cuphead P.O.V:

while Bendy was on the ink source, I built a  flute with some bone that I found, and i play some note as the little flying ink creature get on it, he get out from the ink source and sit on a rock andheard my music

" Wow, i never though that a color one can play music, can you do that?" he took his ukulele and play some note, i reaper these note

" nice how about that" he play other note but more difficult, i reapet after him and i continue the music

"i've to say you're very talented "

" not bad for a barbarian,right?" i wink at him and he blush little, and me too



after the quest we exit the city and we discover the knight identity, i feel awful, i feel like i'm a killer, killing these poor people hepless, i know now and understands why father wannt to beat the devil, on half way back the knight stop us tie us at a tree without any food or water, but worst part is that the black season is comming only  hours " you're right, Cala , you would have done better to never know me, and Cup i'm sorry i didn't be here for you" i said to myself as i loose all hope to survive

~some time later~

Devil P.O.V:

when the knight came back from there quest, when they enter on the esplanade , i didn't my son only his horse  i give the ordr to join the the knight round table when i ask him about my son they told me he's dead they only find hi helmet and some pieces form his armor i got really furiouce


" we didn't find him my lord"


i return to my desk grab some bright color stone on my hand "Cuphead , Zoujaj son, i wish this inky rain will destroy you and brother, i swear that i'll kill everyone who close or important to you" i said with angry tone as i shatter the stone

Cala Maria P.O.V:

i was at the balcony looking for the giant black cloud coming i didn't want to go there because i know they're not come back i lose all hope, i start to crying but my eye turn into a grey this what happen to us in the black season 

~meanwhile ~

Bendy P.O.V:

I heard the strom coming and the clouds cover the sky and refresh the area, the first drop of ink drops and then It's pouring ink rain

" aaah finally the rain, the cold and the soft rain " i was truring around myself and and run a little everywhere, i sing and i dance , well this what i do when the rain 

" hey Cuphead yo~oh Cuphead" i called him but he didn't response , so i go to see him he was warpping his leg with his arms, he's shaking with cold at the bottom of the skull far from the outside

" Cuphead the color-men"

 i come  closer to him and accendently touch him and we both scream of pain "AAH IT'S BURN"

nothing happen  me but for Cuphead there was a black burn on his arm where i touch him, i shock whenn i see that , so it's the ink can really him 

" you should probably go , your family will wake up"

" but Cuphead i..."

"leave me alone, return to your family"  he said with a sad tone as his eyes turn to grey , i gasp a little and cover mouth as tears drop i left the skull and run to "ink-pot city" 

( hey guy i got a news the next chapter will be maybe the last one )

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