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Jackie closed her eyes and sighed. Another day of school. She was starting to hate it. The homework, the notes, the teachers even the students. In short, she'd started to hate people.

"Yo Jay! "

Well except for this little human. Lilian Backster. She was a bit short (ofcourse,  Jackie was only a 5'7 while Lilian was 5'4).

"Hey Lil." Jackie smiled and walked beside the girl. They had the same classes for general subjects like civic education (where the teacher's English wasn't civic), English (Jackie's second fav class), maths (first favourite of course), economics (everybody does economics) and maybe some others she couldn't remember.

"Its 7:25,why are you early? "Jackie said, shocked, as she stared at her purple wristwatch. People teased her that it was babyish but she didn't care.

"Well, Mr Adams promised to report me to your mother. "Her friend huffed.

"Last I checked, my mother didn't work in this damn prison. "Jackie retorted and they ran to the assembly when the bell rang.

Being prefects and all, they were meant to coordinate the students. The assembly wasn't in a hall, no. The students were spread to dry in the heat while the principal said things they didn't care to listen to.

"Bet you 50 that she is going to go on and on about how students are disrespectful yadda yadda yadda. "Jackie raised her pinky.

"Deal. But I say some new student 'vandalised' school property. "Lilian smirked and Jackie had a feeling her money was gone.

Jackie scolded some js2 boys and they giggled. She couldn't exactly get annoyed.
She always ended up smiling and people took that for granted alot.

She looked up just as the principal called some boys up. The phonetics teacher brought the whip out to beat them. Here, beating wasn't something frowned upon. They had an adage in their town, 'spear the whip and spoil the child'.  So the beating wasn't shocking nor did it seem like a bad thing.

"Cough up my money. "Lilian grinned from ear to ear.

Jackie pouted and stuck her hand in her bag to bring out notes.  "You knew this before. "

"Be like me gurl, be early to school. " Lilian  patted her friend's jet black hair.

Just as they were all about to disperse,  Lilian caught sight of a guy.

"Oohhh, Mr Rick got Curt. "She said standing to look, unashamed.

Jackie turned just as the teacher pulled the boy's bag from his shoulder. He was complaining about the boy's hair.

"Bet you 50 Curt is gonna shrug him off." Jackie smirked.

"No fair, I was gonna call that. " her best friend pouted and pulled out the money.

Just then, Curt shrugged and walked away from the shouting teacher. Lilian gave Jackie the money, but they both couldn't help smiling. They walked to class talking about the ridiculous things they heard over the weekend. They greeted alot of people.

The school system was quite different. There were for classes. A and B contained the science students, C for the commercial students and D for the art students. Due to some weird unknown circumstances, some science students had to stay in C class. Guess the rest were filled up. Lilian was one of those people and Jackie was a commercial student.

"What do we have first? "Jackie said,  moving to the wall to check the pasted timetable.

History. Just perfect. A class she hated. Why couldn't they just let the past be the past. No, they had to dig out decayed bodies from their grave. Who cares who came up with the national anthem eons ago? It don't change a thing.

"I gat physics. See ya later. "Lilian waved and headed to the lab.

"Sup Lily. "A guy called out to her.

Lilian blushed. Only two people were allowed to call her that. Jackie and her long time crush, Curt. Yup, that same  Curt.

"Hi. Bye. "She hurried away making it seem like she was late for class. Bleh, she didn't mind getting to class late.

"Lilian, did you hear the latest gist? "Some girls from her class squealed.

Josephine,  Olive, Maybel and Anastasia. Jos, Liv, May and Ana for short. There was nothing this girls didn't know that was going on in the school. Some called them the gossip girls or queens, Lilian thought of them as information givers. They were in front of her so she hurried after them, listening and laughing at what they were saying.

Meanwhile, Jackie grabbed her chair and went to D class. That's what they always did for that period. A 90 minutes class. Being the monitress for that class, she had to go looking for the teacher. The man was probably eating like always. Scowling she came back some minutes later.

How could he tell her to make an announcement to the entire class! If it was just C class, she didn't mind. Those people were like family. But D class? D class terrified her. The girls always seemed to look at one with a murderous look, the guys didn't even know other people existed. Shaking her head, she stood in front of the class. Scribbling quickly before turning to the whole class. Here goes nothing.

"Announcement! Announcement please! " she screamed at the top of her lungs and the class became silent. She focused on the wall behind them all.

"Mr Cobbler- Cobbleton said he isn't going to make it for the class. So you should submit the assignments to me. Now. "

They all rushed at her a second later.

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