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" Is this the house? "Morgan asked trying to hide his excitement.

"Calm down tiger. "Jackie chuckled and winked at him.

He huffed and got out of the car.

"I'll look round. "He said and walked away.

Jackie turned to Marvel. His eyes looked distant like he'd flown to another realm. Geez, couldn't they just stay in one.

She snapped her fingers in front of him.

"Earth to Professor Marvel Salvatore. "She screamed in a whisper.

He jumped and bumped his head, Jackie couldn't help bursting into laughter. He looked so cute with that little dimple when he pouted.

"That was not nice. "He hissed.

"What animal crawled into your blanket and died? "Jackie chuckled and pulled at his cheeks.

Marvel sighed. "Aren't you just a bully. "

They were so close when Morgan pulled the door open.

"Coast clear. Eww were you about to kiss. "
He gagged dramatically.

To further embarrass them both, Jackie pecked Marvel and rushed out if the van.

"Wasn't she supposed to be stone cold hearted? "Morgan mused and his friend chuckled.

"What would you do if she remembers? " Marvel asked as they hurried after Jackie.

It was clear Marvel was referring to Mara.

"I don't know. I didn't exactly treat her right." Morgan admitted.

"Uh guys, shouldn't there be guards stationed round here? "Jackie gulped as they stood beside her on the porch.

"How about we knock? "Marvel suggested and did just that.

In some minutes, someone pulled the door open. Marabella Townsend stood before them in her prison cloths.

"What do you losers want? "She growled.

"Hey Mara. "Morgan said with a thin smile.

Mara's scowl turned into a surprised smile.

"Morgan! What are you doing here? "She asked and pulled him into a hug. "Come on in. "

Marvel pulled Jackie back when the others weren't within hearing range.

"Jackie, I want you to know that I love you. I always will. No matter what happens in the next couple of hours or who we become in the next 48 hours, know that you mean a lot to me. "

He avoided her the rest of the night.

I want you to know that I love you. I always will.

As her heartbeat wavered slowly to an almost stop. Those words brought her back to life. It was hard to believe but it was true. Even she had never believed in true love but what if this was her own true love.

Jackie Frost didn't plan on dying without answers.

"She's coming to. Her heartbeat.. "

"Get us a new oxygen tank, we can't lose this one. "

There were voices everywhere but none was familiar. Jackie began to hyperventilate, who were this people touching her?  Get away!  But she couldn't scream out.

"Hold her. Calm her down. "

Someone's hand came on hers and she began to calm down. Slowly she opened her eyes. The only thing she could do was scream.

"Jackie calm down. "Marvel said comfortingly but she was not falling for it.

She jerked her hand away and jumped up. Pushing everyone away she began to run in her maternity hospital cloths.

"Help me. His going to kill me again. He wants to kill me! "She screamed as she weaved her way through passages.

"Jackie. Jackie! "Lilly's voice called out as she ran into a big room. It had cages like those ones of prisons.

Jackie ran to her best friend and shook the bars.

"It won't budge. It wont open lils. "She said hysterically.

Lilly shook her head and placed her palm on her friend's shaking ones.

"You have to run. You have to escape... this." she was saying.

"There she is. "An authoritative woman's voice rang in their hears.

Soon Jackie's screams could be heard all through the buildings.

"Stop it! You are hurting her. Please stop. " Lilly pleaded.

Marvel placed his hand on the woman's arm for her to stop and carried Jackie's limp body to a chair and strapped it in.

"What did i ever do to you? "She said hoarsely as tears slipped from her eyes.

Marvel looked away. He couldn't bear staring at those eyes knowing he was doing her a lot of wrong. A woman came to block her view of him.

"Angie? "Jackie said in amazement and the woman grinned.

"Doctor Angela Salvatore. "She said.

She was in a white lab coat and high heels. Her hair was pulled in a bun. Jackie kept quiet. Nothing was as it seemed. That was what January had said.

"Welcome to SMCU. Soldier Minds Caring Unit. We are still working on the name. " The woman explained.

This wasn't the nice caring woman they had met in the house.

"Why am i here? "Jackie growled.

Angela beamed. "Well because you have a special mind. A strong one. Your ability to control your own mind to think of what you want, to avoid getting lost in tragedies. That is quite impressive. The... "

She began naming some scientific things and lost Jackie. The girl looked around. Then her eyes settled back on the boy. Before she knew it, she hurled herself at him ready to scratch his eyes out. But someone grabbed her arms and strapped her back in the seat.

"We are going to have a problem if you keep wanting to grab my son. "Doctor Angels tsked.

"Your son is a murderer. He killed me. " Jackie screamed, becoming hysterical once again.

"On the contrary, he was following orders from above. "The woman smirked. "Did your heart get broken? Good. That was the point of this whole test. "

"Test? What test? "The woman had her attention again.

She began to pace, getting excited.

"Your sisters death, then the house. They were tests on how your young minds could handle tragedies. Its been a wonder how adults break down as a result of tragedies and some teens do not. Think of it, young soldiers that can go through tragedies and still have emotions. "Angela beamed and chuckled. "You are one of our passed tests. In fact, you are almost the best. Your ability to change timelines in your head and make everyone fall into it. That was amazing. "

Jackie stared looking for signs of lies. "My sister is alive. "

"Yes yes, and hoping you'd return home since you went missing 5 years ago. "

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