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Lilly bite her lower lip as she concentrated on the computer, typing away like her life depended on it. Her parents were going to kill her. Who stays out at night?

"I didn't know you could hack? "Curt said as he took a seat beside her.

She laughed. "There are a lot of things you don't know about me. "

Curt smirked and raised an eyebrow. "Well, I know you love horror movies. Your super smart and don't mind telling people off. You put a hard cover up but inside all that, there is a sweet girl... ("That I can't help liking " he whispers to himself)  Jackie Frost was your best friend. "

Lilly paused and turned so fast. "Wait, that cold... Girl? How did that ever happen? "

"Let's just say she wasn't this cold. She was nice and caring. "Curt sighs.

Lilly frowns but says nothing. Deep deep down, she believed what they said. She believed Curt.

They were all in Marvel's house. His dad was rarely home anyway. Eli was reading a novel but couldn't help being distracted. Morgan came to join her.

"This Atrix, tell me about him. "She requested, trying to seem nonchalant.

Morgan smirked. He'd seen the chemistry between them back in the house. "Well, he has brown hair and brown eyes. He can cook. And you guys like each other. "

Eli laughed uncertainly. "I don't like anybody. Boys are distractions so I highly doubt it. "

"We don't control who we like. It just happens. "Morgan says quietly but she heard him.

Eli looks around then at him. "Curt is with Lily, Marvel keeps glancing at Jackie, you claim there is a us in Atrix and I. That leaves one person. Mara Townsend, I bet you guys have a thing. "

"No we don't. Its.. Its complicated okay. Leave me alone. "Morgan snapped and stood up.

Eli shook her head. It was clear he was in denial. Dropping the book, Eli tried remembering this Atrix. If she'd liked him, he better be worth her like.


Jackie tied her hood around her waist and sat to watch tv. But her mind wasn't there. She could barely even see the images.

"Its really weird that I believe you Salvatore. "She said as he sat beside her.

For a moment he was puzzled, had her memory come? She called him Salvatore.

"You ARE Salvatore right? "She raised an eyebrow at him.

He nodded. "Yeah. Just wondering how you knew. "

"Beats me. I think its the least weird thing considering you claim there is an alternate universe. Anyway We should split, one goes for Mara, the other for Atrix. You, me and that Morgan guy for Mara. The rest for the Atrix boy. It makes it faster. "Jackie said in one breath.

Something felt right and wrong sitting beside him. Right that she was with him, wrong that they were where they were.

"Quick question, how do you guys remember and we don't? "Jackie asked and gauged his expression. "I have a feeling that you are keeping something from us. From me. "

Marvel tried to maintain a neutral expression but sadness had slipped into his eyes.

"I don't know what you are talking about. " He said coolly.

Jackie decided not to push further.

"Were we a couple? Curt and Lilly. Heard Eli saying she and Atrix. Morgan and Mara. So that leaves you and me. "Jackie stated and bite her lip to stop from smiling as his ears turned pink.

"Well... Its not... I don't... "He began to stammer and she bursted into laughter.

There was the Jackie he knew.

"Quick question, why do you snap at people? Why are you cold? It seems you can't maintain it for long so it shows that it is all an act. "Marvel asked, studying her.

Jackie shifted uncomfortably.

"Well, its.. Its just around you that am not cold. I don't know why. And the whole it being a cover thing, I don't know. It just felt like that's how I should be. "She shrugged and stood up.

"Guys, lily found him. "Curt called out and they hurried to the computer room.

"Actually, we found his father. An illegal drug dealer that uses his sons fr his business. It says here that there should be an exchange in 2 hours just down town. My bet is, Atrix will be there. "Lilly said. "And there were change of plans, Mara is being brought home tonight. Also in 2 hours. "

"Nice job nerd. "Jackie smiled then frowned. Why couldn't she snap or sneer?

"So we split. Jackie I and Morgan go for Mara. Eli Lilly and Curt go for Atrix. And please, don't die, don't get into trouble." Marvel said.

Am sorry for updating late. Been busy doing nothing and being lazy. I hope you guys love it so far. Kindly comment and vote. Thanks

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