The Beginning of New

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(Auther note
Added a lil more to this chapter so it makes more sense in the next chapter hope my lovely readers enjoy dont forget to comment and vote to let me now you enjoyed my book)
As the early morning sun rose in to the sky Kagome stirs from her slumber from the early morning raise of sun light. Kagome stretches and yawns lightly while rubbing at her eyes.
Bokusenō " Good morning dear Kagome "
Kagome "Good morning Bokusenō" she gets up and stretches as the tree branches sway.
Bokusenō " I have a gift for you my child" as his branches lower in front of her with new clothes.
Bokusenō " The clothes shall protect you and hide your scent. Also the will repair them selves if dameged and self cleaning."
Kagome " oh thank you Bokusenō" he uses his branches to shelled her from any prying eyes as she changed.
Kagome " there perfect thank you so much" as she hugs him and he smiles.
Bokusenō " here take one of my branches and go to totosai to craft you a bow" as he hands her one of his branches. Kagome smiles with tears in her eyes as she bows and thanks him again. They say there good byes and Kagome starts her long journey to totosai. On her way she would stop and help villagers but when she got a village. She entered the village and the villigers where screaming and holering.
Villiger women "demon some help"
Village men "cursed demon die" as the men where hiting the demon with sticks and tools.
Kagome "im a priestess let me through" she pushes the men out of her way.
Villege headmen " let her through the priestess shall purify the demon" as the villegers move out of her way. When she look at the demon she sees that its fox demon. The fox demon whimper and hissses at Kagome.
Kagome " shhhh its ok " she reaches out and slowly takes a look at the foxes injuries .
Kagome "im sorry this mite hurt" as she disinfects the wounds and the fox hisses and she put ointment and bandages the fox demon up. She gently picks up the fox demon.
Kagome " worrie not villigers the fox no longer a threat"
Villeger women " is it dead"
Kagome " yes i shall bury it fore away from here but i need a place to rest for the night to rest for this long journey"
Village headman "You may stay at my place for the night as thanks for helping our villege.
Kagome " Thank you kind sir i am most grateful for your hospitality." as the head man leads Kagome to his home.
Headman " Its no trouble at all kind priestess for you slain the troublesome demon... Welcome to my home." the headman shows her to her room for the night.
Headman " I'll have a servant bring you dinner later and ill give you some provisions in the morning see you in the morning priestess" he bows and leaves.
A few minutes late
Kagome hears a knock on her door.
Servant " i have your dinner mi lady" as she opens the door and sets up her dinner.
Kagome "thank you very much" she smiles. The servant bows and leaves as quickly as she came. As Kagome eats her dinner she shares some of it with the fox youki. When she lays down ,after finishing her meal, the fox youki curls up near her stomic.
Kagome "good night my new friend" as they both drift off to sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 13, 2018 ⏰

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