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Kagome woke up in the middle of the night from a confusing dream. She looks around for any sign of Inuyasha but does not see him, but as she looks into the forest she sees a soul collecter.
Kagome' Inuyasha went to see kikyo'. She grabs her bow and arrows and follows the soul collecter. After walking what feels like a good mile she starts hearing voices up ahead. When she gets close anuff she sees Inuyasha kissing kikyo passtionatly as they pull back to breath.
Inuyasha "I love you kikyo so much" as he gazes in to kikyo's eyes
Kikyo "What about my reincarnation dont you love her as well Inuyasha"
Inuyasha " yes" he lowers his ears and looks down at the grownd.
Kikyo "Do you love her for her or because she looks so similar to me dear Inuyasha" as she puts her hand on his cheek making him look into her eyes.
Inuyasha " I only love her because she looks like you and i only protect her, and makeing her think i love her because she can see the jewel shards my mate. Shes just a jewel shard detector i only love you" Inuyasha leans in and kisses kikyo again as kikyo blushes lightly kissing back while sliding her hands into Inuyashas houri.
Kagome pov
As kagome hears all of this tears run down her face and as things start to get heated she runs back to camp. When she gets there she leaves a note for her friends and grab her yellow backpack and runs away blindly in the forest silently crying.
Kagome " Stupid Inubaka" as she start to get exostide she come to a small clearing with a tree in the middle.  She recognized the tree but cant remember why.
Wise old tree " oh hello Kagome long time no see" as the wise tree looked at Kagome as he hears whimspers from the trees of what happened "oh my child it will be ok stay hear and rest you have traveled a long way we shall talk in the morning" as the tree wipe the tears away with it branches. Kagome nods hear head in agreement and roles out her sleeping bag and gets in it silent crying while asleep.

Inuyasha makes the wrong choice Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant