Sunset ~ Chapter Eleven

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(Written by: Me)

It was terrifying watching someone change so close to me with nothing I could do to stop it. I saw her dyed hair get longer and brighter. Her clothes turn to a brown and pink skin tight suit. Animal ears sprouted from her hair and a striped bushy tail from her back. Strangely familiar.

I tried my best to run off and hide to find a place to transform, but I was suddenly stopped. The akuma blocked off my closest escape. I ran further away from her, but she blocked my way again. Was she focused on me?

I couldn’t run and I couldn’t transform. I was trapped.

I never want that to happen again.

I remembered saying those same words to Xiong after another attack I couldn’t escape from. One I was physically stopped in. I was powerless unable to do anything then. I could still move now, though, yes?

Glancing around, I quickly tried to figure out where I was and think of any unlikely exits around. It was a normal four lane road going East and West on the side of a residential area. West would be where I need to go to go home, but vehicles had already begun to block the way. I could attempt to climb above them, but it would take time and by that point, seeing as the akuma was too focused on me, she would stop me once more. The same had already begun to the East. Other pedestrians had taken the idea I already thought of, but the akuma didn’t focus on them, she only watched me. The walls on the North and South side that led to backyards of houses were too high for me to climb in my civilian state. There was nothing I could think of. Maybe just wait for a hero to come by, then I could leave while she’s distracted and transform to help. It was the best plan I had.

There was no telling how long that would take though.

The akuma began to move again: turned her head slightly to her right then left, then smiled to me. I noticed the same thing. There was no one else nearby. She took a step forward and spoke words I couldn’t understand. A different language. So someone else who’s foreign? Could that be why she’s focused on me? I doubt it.


The only word I could recognize.


She knew me directly? I couldn’t think of any other foreign girl I knew. And from my quick vision of her before she changed, I didn’t even recognize her. But how would she know my name, my nickname even?

She took another few steps forward. Her smirk widened to fill her cheeks. Teeth revealing to show fangs. Ears twitching in interest. Tail bouncing rapidly.

And I finally gave up and ran. I tried West, towards home and tried to use my speed to help me over the cars quickly. Right as I jumped, arms grabbed me and threw me down. The akuma pinned me down and continued to smile and talk to me with words I couldn’t understand.


She spoke my name with an upsetting giggle.

“Why me?” I tried to ask. I doubted any answer I would understand, but I attempted nonetheless.

She answered, and I listened closely for a hope for something I might recognize, and it worked. A word she spoke I knew and I tried to remember what language I knew it to be.

Japanese. Was she Japanese then? Did I ever have any contact with-


Rai was the only person I’ve known who I assumed was Japanese. It was his last name, so his family might go by the same name then. Though that was also assuming she did happen to be related to him. It would make sense though on how she at least knew of me.

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