Healing ~ Chapter Twelve

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((Hi, I'm finally back. Hope anyone reading will enjoy and maybe I'll be able to get the next chap up soon. I actually have knowledge on how to continue again.))
(Written by: Me)

When I finally woke up, I was lying in a hospital bed. It was rather uncomfortable with all the cords attached and whatever was constricting my leg, but it was expected. I never liked hospitals.

My mother sat in a seat nearby. When she saw I was conscious, she explained the whole story. Apparently, after falling down the stairs, I hit by head and the wound I had from before was reopened. It didn’t just reopen though. It seemed to open even more. My mother took me to the hospital after that to properly disinfect the wound and wrap it up so it can heal. Neither her or the doctors knew what happened yet. My mother didn’t even know I was home.

I told her, though. I tried to always be honest with her and my father. I really only tried to hide being Raven. I did also avoid mentioning all that happened with Xiong. Until I knew for sure what was going on in that relationship, I felt it was best to keep it a secret.

Despite me telling most of the truth, my mother still seemed concerned about something. She never mentioned it. Instead, she just handed me my phone which included many text messages from my friends, curious on how I was. Some seemed concerned on the fact that I missed classes and never arrived to lunch. Had I really missed a day already?

I quickly typed out a quick excuse to my friends then set my phone on the table next to me. Immediately as I put the phone down I count hear the vibration of more messages.

Maia: What hospital? I coming now

I sighed and asked my mom for the information to send back. Maia soon responded.

Maia: Thanks, see you soon

Right as I placed the phone down again, Ylva texted.

Ylva: Oh no

Ylva: Get better now

Ylva: Thats a order

Ylva: I have work tonight so i cant come by yet but ill come tomorow

Ylva: Where at

I gave her the information. It was surely going to be an entertaining couple of days.

Other “Get well” messages poured in during the next few hours.

Maia came in not too long after she texted she would and hung out with my mom and me for the next hour or so, just keeping me up to date with lunchtime chatter, classroom gossip, and actual schoolwork. When asked if she could get some of the homework for me to do while I was here, she complained that I should just spend my time focusing on getting better, but did later agree. At least with school work I would be able to get caught up quickly and was able to be distracted.

She definitely wanted the story of how I got hurt, and like with my mother, I told her the truth (still not mentioning everything with Xiong). She seemed annoyed that I had to get injured like that. It was understandable, I was slightly annoyed as well. I guess we had different reasons for hating that injury, though. I just didn’t want the bed rest. I wanted to continue going to class and working as Raven, but that didn’t seem like it was going to happen.

According to my mother, I would be allowed to be released by the end of the week at the earliest. It all depended on how fast I could heal. I would also have to take it easy for the next week or so after so I don’t further aggravate the wound. So no crime fighting for a while if I could help it.

After about half an hour of time, as the conversations started  dwindle down, a small yip was heard from Maia’s bag.

Maia immediately jumped. “Oh! Right!”

She turned her bag to her and opened it to show the head of a small grey puppy. “Aww, I think the puppy’s hungry!” Was all Maia said.

“Maia,” I spoke calmly, staring at the small animal. “I don’t think animals are allowed in the hospital,” After knowing Maia for the past few months, it wasn’t too surprising for her to have a puppy in her bag.

“But puppy!” She sighed and gave a better response. “I found this puppy all alone though outside the hospital. I didn’t want to leave her all alone!”

The puppy yipped again. If it got any louder it might attract the attention of nurses walking through the hallway. “Unfortunately,” my mother finally spoke up. “I believe you should leave soon with the dog so you don’t get in trouble,” She was definitely more confused about the situation than she was letting on.

“Just a few more minutes!” Maia tried. “I won’t bring her back again. I just found her on the way here and I couldn’t do anything else.”

My mother glared at her, practically telling her to “make sure you don’t get caught” and that was the end of that,

The two of us talked a little longer, but she did soon have to say goodbye and leave for the night.

“I’ll come by everyday until you get better!” She promised as she left with a wave.

Ylva came by with Ethan the next day. The conversations mostly ranged from school to tv shows to the other heroes to animals.

When Ylva began talking about some of her pets, I was reminded of the dog Maia brought the previous day. And sure enough, Maia came by right around that same time. She didn’t bring her puppy with her this time, but she talked a lot about her. Specifically how she was still trying to hide the puppy from her brother, Leo, and kept her in her bedroom the entire time.

Ylva and Ethan seemed excited about Maia’s new pet and the four of us chatted about the dog for most of the rest of their visit.

Maia only left early, knowing that leaving a young animal trapped in her room for a few hours may leave her with a mess and maybe some explaining to do. Ylva and Ethan stayed for a little longer, promising to try to come back again when they were leaving.

Maia came the next day as well, with Rai dragged along behind her.

Unlike Rai’s normal silence, something seemed different with him. He probably hated being there as much as I did.

For most of the visit, Maia continued chatting with me, sometimes trying to get Rai to say anything, but Rai never responded more than a short phrase or one word answer.

Was he worried about something? He kept avoiding looking at me. Every time I glanced his way and he saw, he would immediately look away again. Was he worried about me?

"Come on Vio!" Maia suddenly spoke. "You gotta tell the story again! Rice still doesn't know what happened."

From what I heard before, Rice was the nickname Maia gave to Rai. I was sure that Maia would have told him everything, but I might as well explain again just in case she didn't.

"It really wasn't much, you know. I was just walking home from school, but an akuma appeared and attacked me. When the heroes came, Xion took me home and tried to help with my injury," With my second time explaining what happened, Maia looked just as distressed as she did the first time.

"And?" She asked. Immediately I blushed thinking about what happened between me and Xiong, but she wasn't asking about that. "What about the injury?"

"Just a cut on the leg," Maia stared inquisitively. She really wanted more. "Xiong wrapped it up for me, but according to the doctors, I lost too much blood for that to work. And the cut was apparently really deep, so it probably wasn't going to heal too well by itself."

"I'm going," Rai said suddenly. He turned and tried to make his way to the door.

Maia grabbed his arm to stop him. "Wait! You can't leave yet!" Rai easily pulled himself away. "How are you even getting home? Leo was your ride here."

"I'll walk," Rai opened the door and left the room.

Maia sighed. "That idiot."

I stared at the door. Did I say something wrong somehow? Was he just really upset that I was hurt? Especially if it was that bad?

I couldn't be sure what made him leave so suddenly.

((To whoever still here, Tank you.))

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