Chapter 1; Lost

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That one tragic night reappeared in Erik’s mind. It couldn’t abscond. It felt like his head was pounding. Christine, his Christine, who now despises him. Christine, who was due to wed another. Christine, her voice, he would never hear again. Christine, the only love of his life. Christine! He couldn’t think about his precious Christine anymore. Every time he did he felt suicidal.

That night, he left his mask behind, but everyone thought he was dead. Erik ran as fast as his legs could carry him. He ran and ran, trying to flee from the army that was out to kill him. He knew he couldn’t stop until he found a hiding spot so deserted. He located one that almost looked like the abyss. It was dark as night, but as the phantom, he knew where to go. Erik had another mask to conceal his horrendous face.

Every night Erik had the same hallucination of Christine coming to find him, but never accomplished, and fell to the floor in despair.

No one knew where Erik fled to, and no one would come looking for him. Or so he thought. 

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