Chapter 5; Help

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Erik knew he couldn't wait any longer about ideas. He would just put up a fight and do whatever it takes to get her back. He ran to Raoul's house, but he wasn't there. He saw Christine come out of the door. She ran to him, and he carried her in his arms. But that perfect happiness, didn't last. He fell to the ground and shut his eyes. Christine looked around, it didn't look like he got shot or anything. She tried CPR, and restarting his heart. She opened his eyes half way. He only said, "Help."

Christine dragged Erik to the hospital and they wheeled him in. The doctor said, "Je suis désolé mademoiselle, mais votre mari a une crise cardiaque. Vous avez fait ce qu'il fallait. Il a un problème majeur relatif, mais je pense qu'il va bien se passer."

"Combien de temps pensez-vous qu'il sera jusqu'à ce qu'il puisse sortir de l'hôpital?" Christine asked the doctor.

"Probablement environ un mois ou deux."

"Merci." Christine said then sat in the chairs to wait for more news. Nothing happened for the next 3 weeks. They called her and said, "Madame, please come to the hospital."

Christine raced to the hospital as fast as she could. The doctor said, "Miss Christine, votre mari avait une artère obstruée. Donc, pas de sang peut aller au cœur. Il aura besoin d'avoir immédiatement une intervention chirurgicale." Christine nodded.

"Oui. Donnez-lui la chirurgie!" She shouted

The doctor and others, went into the room to prepare Erik for surgery. The doctor asked if Christine would like to watch.

"No! Defiantly not! Nope! Nada!" She said. Obviously Christine didn't want to watch her lover cut open and his heart exposed. 

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