Chapter 3; Passionate Love

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Erik pulled away wondering what had happened. Of course he savored the beautiful moment he and Christine had shared. Erik walked towards a couch located near his bed, in the far corner of the room. He sat down, put his elbows on his knees and his hands on his head. Christine followed and put both of her hands, on his shoulders.

“Erik? What’s wrong? Do you not like it?” He turned towards her, and their hands touching each other.

“No, believe me, I enjoyed it. But this doesn’t feel right. Christine, you’re married.”

“Not anymore.” Erik gave her a glance. “Raoul, is not like I expected. He’s abusive and doesn’t like me being exposed to the world.” She laid her head on Erik’s lap and looked up at him and smiled. “Erik. Do you still love me?”

“With all my heart.”

“Good!” She shouted. He grabbed the collar of his shirt and pulled him down to where she could feel him breathe. She kissed him like there was no tomorrow. He went along with this, for Christine was his love. He got himself satiated to kiss her. She started unbuttoning his shirt, and she threw it somewhere else. She started to kiss his neck and finally he spoke. “What are you doing?”

“It’s called sex, it’s fun, you should try it.”

“Why?” He asked, while she continued to kiss his neck.

“Because I want to.”

“What about what I want?”

“What do you want?” She asked and looked into his eyes.

“This.” He said shaking her head. He kissed her neck, exactly like she kissed his. He finally stood up, and he sat down on his bed. Christine followed, an Erik knew what he’d just gotten himself into.

Christine took off her shirt to revel an undershirt. And Christine laid herself atop Erik. Both of their eyes met at a point, and nothing happened for a moment. You could hear both of them breathing heavily and you could see the sweat on Christine’s upper lip and on Erik’s chest. Christine stoked her fingers through Erik’s hair. She closed her eyes and she fell asleep beside him.

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