Chapter 7

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you turned around and began whispering softly into his ear. by the looks on joe and jj's faces you could tell that they had heard what you had whispered. elliott puts his one hand below your waist and pulls you in closer , whilst his other hand tucks your hair behind your ear  as he whispers back making sure this time that joe especially heard what he had to say. and with that you both looked each other in the eyes before connecting your lips. you quickly pull away leaving elliott confused , by this time joe and jj had left so it was just the two of you.

*elliotts POV*
Y/N pulls away after a brief kiss. I notice a look of hesitation on her face as she backs away. I start to think to myself did I do something? minutes later she pulls me into a bear hug before letting out a sigh.

Y/N-I can't do this anymore! you let out with a look of guilt on your face
E-what do you mean? he replied with a nervous tone
Y/N-well..I feel that your more involved in the relationship than I am?! therefore I don't want to hurt you.
E-okay? but can I just ask what made you decide I wasn't enough for you?
Y/N-I never said you weren't enough elliott , I'm just not interested anymore.
E-well your loss! but I have one question!?
E-can we still hangout?
Y/N-sure. I do t see why not , as nothing really happened between us?!
E-yh nothing....

at this moment you knew that he still wanted more and that you had hurt him but you couldn't focus on that. you decide to go and find joe to get his opinion on the photoshoot. as you walk over hear bazz and cray talking to one another , you can't help but hear them talking about there relationship. at first you thought they were talking about their friendship until you saw them exchange a kiss. you quickly backed up not realising that joe was behind and gave yourself a fright.

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