04: Desperate Times

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Jin continues to annoy you with his dad jokes until you've both arrived at the door of your house and the sun is almost setting, you realize he's been trying to deceive you with his jokes for two hours now. Although some of his jokes are taunting, you couldn't help but smile genuinely.

You kick his shoes off as you attempt to take them off of your feet and they easily come off. Trading shoes with this big foot isn't a good idea; you struggled walking back home with wobbly feet while you wore them since he asked if he could exchange them with yours, and you gladly complied with that agreement.

Earlier, he insisted if he could carry you on your back since your feet was hurting but you didn't want to scare him with your weight, you haven't checked it. So he suggested you should wear his shoes in lieu of wearing your dwarf-like ones. He didn't wear yours though but you can't complain because your shoes are smaller than your feet.

"I'll see you tomorrow or something." you mutter under your breath before you're gradually closing the door and his foot invades the closing gap.

"No, I asked you a question so answer me." he says sternly and it sends chills into your spine. He usually isn't this dominant and you feel so overwhelmed.

"Uh, no thanks." you attempt to kick his foot out of the way but he only pushes the door towards your direction with his palm. "Jesus, what do you want?"

"I'll ask you again Y/n." you could already imagine his irises inflaming as he turns serious but you refuse to look up at the man. "Why can't you laugh at my jokes?" the gap widens and you gulp an excessive amount of saliva in your mouth.

You suddenly yawn too loud and it was enough for him to think you're pretending. "Because they're lame."

Silence interrupts the interaction while you try to put in all your force into closing the door shut and that was just an incentive for him to use all his strength pushing the door open. And once he has it wide open, you turn into a klutz when your leg accidentally hits a random furniture. He luckily catches you with his arms and he instantly pulls you into his embrace once he has stepped in your house.

Who put's a lamp behind a door?

"You're not so heavy after all." he says before he grins coquettishly and you squeal internally. He suddenly grips onto your shoulders and he pushes you onto the cold, flat surface. Jin swiftly lifts your arms above your head and you attempt to yank them away.

You give your best shot to stay nonchalant with his sudden actions and he grins before he leans in. You clear your throat and he kicks the door closed. It isn't the right time but you can't help but think what he did just now to the door is hot. Or is it just him?

You give up as you let out a sigh and he leans in more. "Get out before mom sees whatever the heck you're doing." you whisper and he looks up, eyes meeting your dainty ones.

"But I'm enjoying this."

"Seokjin?" your mom appears with wide eyes, a spatula on her hand.

The both of you didn't waste a second to separate from each other, hoping your mother wouldn't assume anything that's too absurd and could take over her imaginations. She lunges at the two of you and Jin flinches when she uplifts her spatula but she's smiling.

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