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The Winx only saw darkness, there magic was depleted, and protecting their family. However, they felt something, something grow inside them. When suddenly, they each glowed so bright, it countered the spell of evil. They floated upwards, and felt their magic enter their bodies again, and then the felt their power grow.

"Sacrifice, for wats right
Ready to fight, fly on
Ancients here we are
Ready to fight for who we are
Sacrifice, for what's right
Fly with me tonight
Ancients, power beyond
Made for, fights long

Strength as old as time,
Powerful as the ancient times,
Protected of all that lives,
Beautiful within,
Ancients, ancients, ancients.

Natures heart, this is your start.
Flora, Fairy of Nature.

Waters might, it is your right.
Aisha, fairy of Waves.

Techno mind, it is your time.
Techna Fairy of Technology.

Shinning Heart, fight on.
Stella, Fairy of the Shinning Sun.

Musical Voice, you've made your choice.
Musa, Fairy of Music." The Winx club earned their Ancients, the stars shine bright again everywhere, and then the Winx club was forever in the sky. The magic dimensions where shocked, five fairies at once, and Bloom was the first. They stared at the six fairies in the stars, when there images all flowed brightly.
The fairies, they created a blast of pure magic energy. It created a light show of their colors, purple and green, blue and pink, yellow and purple, magenta and fusia, green and pink, and then blue and green. The sky was glistening in these colors, the fairies home planets, they where glowing white with energy, the stars where shining, and everyone was shocked. It was like the magic dimensions knew they where supposed to be together, it was the most beautiful thing anyone had ever saw.

"Winx!" The girls opened their eyes, and then faced the enemy.
"You will all die!" They shoot energy at the girls, but they put up a shield. It takes all their focus to hold it, and they know they need Bloom. The Specialists are watching in shock, the sky is dancing with so many colors, the Winx girls are in beautiful fairy form, and they need bloom. They each have a small glow on them, but the Specialists know they need bloom to beat the bad people. Suddenly, a bright light comes off Bloom, they have to back up, but Bloom is lifted up in the column of light. She transforms, and opens her eyes. Once they are open, the boys see them glowing bright blue, with fire ragging inside. She flies off to the Winx, and brakes the sound barrier, creating a sonic boom. The Dragons Flame, it's trailing behind her, she shoots through the winx's shield, and it's like their magic sticks to the flaming dragon cuz the spell just mobbed with the dragon. Bloom shoots the spell at the wizards, and they get hit. Going down, but the dragon flame grabs them, then all the Winx glow. Their fairy outfits, they get even more pretty. The Winx then fly off onto space, with the dragons flame, they flow to magix, and to Alfea. All the fairies in the collage rush out to the sight. But they get blinded from the sheer light the Winx are giving off, Faragonda walks up to them, and then they all speak at once.
"Here are the wizards. They must be separated and imprisond. Don't let them into Oblivion, make sure this is done, we have stopped him for now." Then the dragon flame rises, and the fairies fly back to Pyros. Once they get there, the girls land, but Bloom passes out again. The other Winx are just so exhausted that they collapsed, but they are still conscious.
"Girls, What just happened?" Asked Helia.
"I don't know, Bloom, how did she manage that? I'm just exhausted from getting the power, how did she get it and then hold up so many spells for a year?!?" Stella exclaims, the girls meekly nod their heads in agreement.
"Ok, well, we better go to Domino. Bloom needs help, and I believe her family will be the best ones to help her." Sky states. He gently places his infants in Brandon's arms, to pick up Bloom bridal style. He brings her to the Owl, then sets her down onto the medical stretcher. Then he goes back to Brandon, and takes his kids, then also places them into small pods, to keep them safe.
"Ok, so I'm confused. How dose bloom even have kids in the first place? I mean she never said she was pregnant, so what happened?" Asks Brandon.
"We'll have to find out when she wakes up. Till then, you girls need rest." The Winx begrudgingly agree, and the Specialists Pilot the owl to the Domino Royal palace.

Time skip

Oritel, Marion, Daphne, Thoren, and their toddler rush out to meet them. When The Specialists and Winx exit the Owl, a person on a stretcher, and two little pods float out. The Domino royal family gasps, for the person on the stretcher is Bloom.
"What happened to her?"
"Where did you find her?"
"Mommy who's dat?" Asks the toddler princess.
"We found her on Pyros, she's just completely drained. She's been supporting a planetary shield for a year, and we don't even know if she did that at full strength. She needs medical health." Said Stella, the Queen and King just nod and usher Sky to Blooms room. While Daphne just collapses from shock and joy, Thoran has to catch her.

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