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It had been a week since Bloom had been found, and the whole magic dimensions knew she was alive. The press keep trying to get a look at Bloom, but her family hasn't let anyone but the Winx and a few other royal members through.
Sky was sitting near Blooms bed, the twins also had been sleeping since they where found, but it was his wife that worried him. She looked scary pale, and her skin cling to her bones. He was starting to get up, when he heard a slight moan come from Bloom. His head snapped over to her, right as her eyes opened. Sky quickly called Brandon.
"She's awake, get everyone up here now!" He states into his phone, then he hangs up, and rushes to Blooms side. She starts to look around, then sees Sky?
"Sky?" She Asked, scared for an answer.
"Bloom! Shhh, I'm here." She started crying, but was smiling. She slowly starts to sit up, but fails, so Sky helps get her up, then the Winx, Specialists, and Domino royal family burst into the room. They see bloom then smile.
"Bloom!" Everyone exclaims, tackling her in a massive group hug. They all are crying, but then they break apart to see a sad Bloom.
"Bloom, honey, What happened to you?" Asked her birth mother, using such a kind and caring tone, it made Bloom start to sob.
"I, I never told you. I wasn't their for your girls wedding, and I was gone for a year. How, how are you not furious with me?!?" She sobs, it breaks all of their hearts to see her like this.
"Bloom honey, we could never be furious with you. Besides, what could have been so bad that you didn't tell us?" Asked Oritel.
"When I went on the mission, I was pregnant. I was pregnant and still went on that mission." Now she is sobbing hard, no wonder her twins meant so much to her, she wanted them to meet their father.
"Bloom, may I ask who their father is?" Asked a nervous Daphne.
"Who else? Sky, Sky is their dad. But he didn't even get to see them be born. He never knew, never knew I was pregnant. I was so scared while pregnant, scared that you all would be furious with me. I, I never even got to spend five minutes with my babies before they were sent away." She is shaking, from how hard she was crying.
"Bloom, What do you mean?" Asked a worried Flora.
"Right after I gave birth to them, we were attacked. I was too weak from giving birth to the twins, that the protection shield I had been holding up for nine months shattered. I gave them to Mia for their protection, then I went to fight off the wizards. Earlier on, they destroyed one of Pyros' moons, and so that's why I knew that purple blast. I couldn't just let them wipe out Pyros and kill my babies, so I used all the energy and strength I could muster, and I created a shield. It shattered, but I didn't give up. I made another, and was about to lay down my life in order to save the twins, but then I got Ancients, and I was able to save Pyros, but I had to keep that shield up as long as I could. I was already exhausted, but I pushed through it. I also held it for so long, time, time became a blur. Every single second I was holding that shield, all I could think about was how I was gonna die. The twins would never be found, and Sky wouldn't have know he was a father. I didn't stop holdin that shield, it was a lot of work, but it held. Eventually, my magic energy was beyond taxed, and I was past being unable to hold it. Then, everything is bits and pieces, but I failed. Mia is dead, because of me." Bloom then cries harder. The Winx and Specialists and her family are shocked. Bloom hasn't even been able to have proper time with her family since her wedding, and that was like two years ago.
"Wait, so, you never even got to hold them?!?" Asked a shocked Stella.
"No, I did. For about two seconds. I never named them, I couldn't. Not without Sky, and I didn't want to do it alone." Bloom looks at her hands, then Sky looks at the others.
"Umm, could I please have a minute with Bloom? Alone, please?" The others just nod and head out, Sky then grabs one of Blooms hands and lifts her head up to look at him.
"Bloom, I'm not mad with you. I'm proud, you risked everything, everything for your family. I wish they I was there for their birth, but I'm just glad you and the twins are alive. That's all I care about right now, you being safe." Bloom then gives Sky a hug, and he hugs her back.
"Oh, yah. Your also the Queen of Eraklyon now, my dad died, and mother died a few weeks ago."
"Oh, Sky, I'm so sorry." He just puts a hand to her check.
"Don't be, you've done nothing wrong. You only did what was best at the time it happened, now, let's let your sister in. You probably want to get changed and clean." Bloom nods her head, then Sky leaves and Daphne enters her room.
"Hi, I missed you Daphne." Daphne just launched at her sister and held on to her for dear life.
"Please don't ever scare me like that again!" Bloom just nods, then Daphne helps her up and to the bathroom.
"Lest get you cleaned up. And in some Royal attire." Bloom just chuckles.
"You where always more of a Royal than me, I'm just a girl from earth who happened to be a princess." Daphne laughs at this then they get Bloom cleaned up.
Time skip
Daphne helps bloom put on the loose blue silk dress, and then simple heels. The dress is floor length, and it has elbow length sleeves. Daphne puts a tiara on Blooms Head, after she put Blooms hair half up half down.
"Done, now, let's go get you to your children." Bloom smiles, then Daphne helps her up and out of the room. Everyone was waiting anxiously for Bloom to emerge, but when she did, she looked almost healthy. Her skin was still ghostly pale, and it still stuck to her bones like crazy. But, she was up and able to walk somewhat.
"Bloom!" The Winx exclaim, Said fairy just laughed slightly.
"Hi girls, come on, I would like to meet my babies. I actually haven't even gotten a good look at them, I want to see my son and daughter." Sky takes Bloom's arm, and they help lead her to the area where the twins are.
When they got there, Bloom was set down in a rocking chair, and then one of the nannies came with both babies in her arms.
"Here you go your majesty." She hands them to a startled Bloom.
"Bloom, your a queen, get used to the title." Bloom just nods, then Sky hands her their Daughter. When Bloom looks at her, she smiles. Their daughter had beautiful blue eyes, and her hair seemed to be blond, with some red in it.
"She looks like you Sky." Said a happy Bloom, this made the others smile at the little family.
"Bloom look at him." Sky said as he showed Bloom their son, their son had Orange hair with blond stripes, and crystal blue eyes. Both infants had pale skin, like their mother.
"Hmmm, I know what I would like their names to be." Bloom then whispers them to Sky, then it's her lip. Sky just beams, then looks back at the babies.
"Bloom, those names are Perfect, and they mean something." Sky then looks up at the others.
"Everyone, meet our son Pyros, and our daughter Mia." Everyone is smiling, those names where perfect, but then Stella said.
"Ohh, I get it. Pyros because that's where they where born, and Mia in honor of Mia!"
"Stella!!" Every Winx girl exclaimed. Then everyone started to laugh, and then Bloom wondered.
"Since they where born on Pyros, dose that mean, if Mia is a fairy, she has to save someone from Pyros?"
"No, Bloom they are from whatever planet your from. Since you married Sky, I believe they would be from Eraklyon. But they could be from Pyros, we never know." Bloom just mixed her head, and looked back at her now sleeping children.

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