A Growing Threat

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The year is 2023.....4 years after Order 66 and The Creation of The Galactic Empire, The Jedi were wanted and hunted down by The Galactic Empire. Branded as crimes by Emperor Palpatine and hunted down and killed by Darth Vader and group of Force-Sensitive Agents working for The Empire called Inquisitorius, Everyone was on the edge of panic. The United States of America, in 2019, began to welcome Clones who deserted The Galactic Empire and couldn't kill a Jedi and The Jedi who escaped and survived The Great Jedi Purge. May 2, 2023, World Leaders have gathered at The United Nations Headquarters in New York to discuss about what to do with The Surviving Jedi and deserting Clones. President Hillary Clinton, who won her re-election in 2020, purpose an idea to World Leaders. She purpose the early stages an act to save and protect The Jedi from The Empire. The United Kingdom and many others were on board with this idea. The only two countries who pushed for funds and laying down the policies were The U.S. and U.K. As The U.S. and The U.K. lay down policies to protect The Jedi, Jedi Master Jay Lyon was outside in the Hallway. He was staring out the window looking at Manhattan. Just then, General Lyons stepped out of the room and noticed Jay, who is looking a little down. He walked over to Jay and placed his hand on his shoulder as a sign of comfort, which soon got Jay's attention.

General Lyons: Jay....are you alright, friend?

Jay: Yes....But, I'm worried....It's my wife, Mollbry. It's been nine months and she could go any day now.

General Lyons: Jay....Don't worry, friend; I have The 1st Militia, along with several U.S. Clone Regiments guarding the perimeter. Some of the men, your sister, General Lincoln and my wife, Naruko, are with her. They will keep me inform on her. If she goes into labor, they will let me know.

Jay: Good.....And, The Jedi.....?

General Lyons: The U.S. and U.K. will work on the act to protect The Jedi Order. In the meantime, The U.K. Prime minister and The U.S Secretary of State will continue to lay down the policies. Don't worry, Jay.

Jay knew General Lyons is right. But, deep down, he wasn't sure. He could feel The Empire's Shroud of Darkness spreading across the galaxy. Sometimes, he wishes for Master Mace Windu to be here. Sadly, to him, he is dead, along with the masters. He looked towards Manhattan again and sighed. Meanwhile, at The Jedi Apartment, Private Robert M. Jackson, Alex Lyon and Naruko Lyons was spending time with Mollbry. Private Robert M. Jackson stood on guard duty at the door, Naruko was reading a book on The American Revolution while Alex and Mollbry was watching TV. Then, Mollbry suddenly sat up and cried out in pain. This catches Naruko's and Alex's attention. Alex quickly got up and grabbed Mollbry's shoulder in concern.

Alex: Mollbry...Are you alright?

Mollbry: Yes....One of the babies are....just kicking, really hard, is all. I'm fine.

Alex: Are you sure? Should I get Jar or Bullseye?

Mollbry: There is no reason to worry them, it's nothing.

Alex wasn't sure. She began to worry. She asked Naruko to make some tea for Mollbry and her. Naruko agreed and got to it. Then, there a knock on the door. Alex asked who is it, The voice was none other then General Thomas Lincoln. Private Jackson opened the door and entered the room. General Lincoln walks over to Alex, who was looking worried.

General Lincoln: How is she?

Alex doesn't know what to say. She padded Mollbry's hand, got up and slightly moved away from Mollbry to talk to General Lincoln in private.

Alex (Talking quietly) : She said she is fine, but I believe she had a contraction. Any day now, she could go into labor.

General Lincoln (Talking quietly) : I see. I will have to let John know. Until the time comes, continue to watch her. I will have soldiers continue to patrol the halls. Keep me informed.

Alex (Talking quietly) : Gotcha.

Both General Lincoln and Alex turn their attention to Mollbry. They saw Naruko give her a nice hot cup of tea. Deep down, they are worried for Mollbry. Since her brother is away with General Lyons at The U.N., she has to watch Mollbry for the time being. Meanwhile, A U.N. Headquarters, General Lyons had received a text from General Lincoln, saying that Mollbry had a contraction. He went on to say she is doing okay, according to Alex. Jay was pleased, but a little worried. Any day, any minute, Jay was going to be a father. General Lyons could tell Jay is stressed. He has eaten or slept for the pass couple of days. He was not alone, his wife, Naruko, gave birth to twins two years ago and he was worried for her too. He saw Jay walked towards a wall, and sat down. Being supportive, and comfort, He walked over and placed his hand on his shoulder, telling him everything is going to be okay. Meanwhile, miles away in space, an Imperial Fleet was massing at Coruscant. Three Imperial Star Destroyers was moving away from Coruscant. Inside, at one of the destroyers, The Dark Lord of The Sith, Emperor Palpatine, was relying a message to Admiral Tredon Sugman, who was kneeling to him.

Emperor Palpatine: Admiral Sugman....Send your fleet to Earth. I want Planet Earth for The Empire. Dispatch your forces to The Capital of Washington D.C., where The Jedi are stationed. You must do what ever it takes to prevent The Americans and The British from coming up with a act to save and protect The Jedi. Resistance, Rebellion & Defiance.....These are concepts that cannot allow to persist. If you encounter any resistance, execute them on site. I want you to bring The Jedi to me to be execute by Lord Vader.

Admiral Sugman: Yes, my lord.

Emperor Palpatine: I will sent two Inquisitors with you on this assignment. If you, your men or the Inquisitor encounters a Jedi, engage them. I either want him dead or alive. This....is my command.

Admiral Sugman: And so it will be done.

Emperor Palpatine's hologram disappears and Admiral Sugman rose to his feet to meet up with his staff. He order the others to prepare and set a course for Earth. Meanwhile, At U.N. Headquarters, The U.S. & The U.K. finished their talks and was packing their things to their journey home. U.S. Secretary of State Sara Price spoke to General Lyons about the things The U.S. & U.K. Politicians policies they have regarding The Jedi. General Lyons was pleased and walked over to Jay. He told Jay about the policies The American & British Politicians have for The Surviving Jedi. He also said that The U.S. should placed the policies to protect The Jedi in 2024, meaning The 2024 U.S. Presidential Election. Parts of the policies they have laid out with be placed on The 3rd of May, tomorrow. Jay gave a sigh of relive.

General Lyons: But, with these policies are placed, it means security will be tight. Also, regarding The Policies, The British Government will send troops and naval ships to Washington tomorrow. In case of an Imperial Invasion, they'll build guns emplacements, barricades and naval battleships in the harbor and the coast. America will do the same. Tomorrow, once they policies are placed, Hillary will order an evacuation of Washington D.C. and the surrounding areas. All of this will be announced tomorrow.

Jay: And.....The Politicians?

General Lyons: I'll order your clone unit to seek shelter in Fort America or Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, where The Pennsylvania National Guard will guard them and The City. They will continue to do their job as politicians.

Jay: Good.....

Then, A Clone Trooper rushed in with a message from The Pentagon. They received a message that The Empire is making it's way to Earth, with a fleet of three ships. He also went on to say that every U.S. Military Personnel began preparations for making defenses to defend Washington. While The U.S. is preparing, The British is prepping their men and supplies for their journey to The States. The Queen and The Prime Minister wishes The British Navy & Army god speed and wishes the best of luck. While The British Navy & Army are getting ready to move out, They set up their own defenses in case The Empire comes for them. Both The U.S. & The British could sense their going to be in a fight.....a fight with The Galactic Empire.

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