The Battle Has Begun

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Out At The Earth's Atmosphere, The Star Destroyers stood on standby. They were going over their plan of attack. While The Imperials plan, Darth Vader gave The Inquisitors orders through a hologram.

Darth Vader: The Jedi Order maybe gone through The Galaxy; but, The Jedi was sparred from Order 66 on Earth. The Emperor asked to find Jedi Master Jay Lyon. Capture him and bring him to me....I want him to give my Obi Wan Kenobi's location. The others...take them prisoner or kill them. Due to your experience as former Jedi, all of you will be put to the test. Nilo, you will lead the attack. Find Lyon and bring him here....alive.....This is my master's command.

Darth Nilo: And so it will be done....Lord Vader.

Darth Vader's hologram disappears and Darth Nilo rose to his feet. She order the others to prepare and mobilize the troops. During this, an Imperial Captain quietly, without anyone knowing, reach to his cabin. This Captain's name is Jaden Riddash. He joined The Imperial Navy in hopes of making him a better man, sadly he was mistaken. What he saw as suffering, fear and death. He began to disapprove of what The Empire is doing. So, he secretly been leaking information to The Rebel Alliance. Right now, He is leaking The Rebels about The Empire making an attack on Washington D.C., on Planet Earth. Transmitting the message to The Rebels, he used a codname, Dash, to avoid capture.

Captain Riddash: This is Dash with an urgent message. The Empire has arrive a Planet Earth, ready to attack Washington D.C. It sent a fleet of three ships. They have Inquisitors, an army of Stormtroopers & a large number of TIE Fighters. Send the Rebel Fleet to Earth at once.....Lives are at stake.

On The Rebel Base on Yavin IV, A Rebel Soldier got an Imperial Transmission from Captain Riddash. Frantic, he rushed to one of The Leaders of The Rebel Alliance, Mon Mothma.

Rebel: Intercepted Imperial transmission, ma'am. The Empire's on Earth, launching an attack on Washington D.C.

Mon Mothma: I need to speak to Admiral Raddus.

Rebel: He's going to his ship, ma'am.

Fearing The Americans and The British being overwhelmed, She contacted Admiral Raddus and told him to gather his forces and go to Earth to help the Americans and British forces. Rebel Pilots scrambled to their fighters and readied their selves for the jump for hyperspace. Meanwhile on Earth, The Americans and British troops, after eating a hardy breakfast, got ready for battle. Then, coming from the sky, an imperial dropships and shuttle were landing. Then, Stormtroopers, lead by Imperial Officers, lead the attack and began firing. Combine Americans and British forces returned fire. The Battle of Washington D.C.....had begun. Cloud was holding firm. It has been a long time since he has been in battle. 1st U.S. Clone Battalion and 2nd U.S. Clone Marines Regiment poured invalid fire down upon The Invading Imperial Army. The 1st Pennsylvania Militia is placed in reserve and told they were to be the element of surprise. With Clone Commando Gregor gone and went into hiding with Rex and Wolffe, They were short one man. But, manage to find a replacement for Gregor. Sarge, A Former Republic Commando now promoted to U.S. Army Clone Captain. They watch as the battle is getting underway. Jay, with The 1st Militia, watched as the battle. He began to worry. Then, Jay felt a dark presence. Of course, this could be this....Inquisitors he heard of. He could sense two of them. Jay decided to join in the fight and told General Lyons that he will signal The 1st to join him. Lyons agreed and rushed off into battle. General Lyons saw a star destroyer off the coast. The U.S. & British Navy engaged the destroyer and The TIEs. The Air Force was launched to fight the TIE Fighters. The 76th Clone Battalion, Jay's Clone Unit, manage to push back The Stormtroopers and secure The Frederick Douglass Memorial Bridge. As The Navy continue to pound The Star Destroyer, They manage to destroy the guns on The Destroyer and started use long-ranged guns to bring the destroyer down. U.S. Admiral Kyle D. Farragut watches on The U.S.S. John S. McCain watches the battle from The Bridge. Commodore Lawrence Stevenson of The Royal Navy provided fire and manage to list on the destroyer. As The Battle of Washington rages, General Lincoln in a makeshift command center on Capitol Hill, watch the battle through a holo-projection. Then, Clone trooper is receiving a transmission. He gets General Lincoln's attention.

Clone: Sir....I'm receiving a transmission.

General Lincoln: Patch it through.

The Clone press a button and voice came through.

???: Attention....This is Commander Jinn Willcore of The Rebel Alliance. I wish to speak to your commanding officer.

General Lincoln: This is United States Army General Thomas Lincoln. I'm The Commanding Officer in charge of this battle.

Commander Willcore: Well, General Lincoln. It's good to hear your voice. I would like to let your Americans and British that we are on your side. Pass the word to forces that The Rebels are here to help.

General Lincoln: Acknowledge.

The transmission ends. He turn to The trooper who transmitted the transmission.

General Lincoln: Trooper....pass the word along to all commanders. The Rebels are on our side.

Clone: Yes sir.

The trooper began transmitted the message to all commanders on the field and out at sea.

General Lincoln: To all commanders....The Rebels are here to help us fight The Empire. I repeat. The Rebels are on our side.

All of the commanders acknowledged it and saw Rebel Fighters and ships appearing from hyperspace. This catches Admiral Sugman off guard and ordered to attack The Rebel Forces. While The Yanks, Brits & The Rebels fought The Imperial Forces, Little that they know, that an Imperial detachment, lead by Imperial Colonel Virdea Longkinn and Darth Nilo, swung around and moved her detachment towards The Jedi Apartments. A U.S. Clone Scout saw this and reported by to General Lincoln. Lincoln got word and order General Lyons and The 1st Militia to The Jedi Apartments. Then, he contacted Jay. Worried, Jay rushed to The 1st Militia to protect The Jedi Apartments. At The Jedi Apartments, Jedi Master Echore Medina-Lucrum saw The Imperial Forces coming. Mollbry was there with Captain Harvey Bentley, Aiko Chiba-Kendum, Codycob Kendum, Naruko Uzumaki-Lyons & Alex Lyon-Promal.

Echore: Everyone, hide inside and keep quiet. Do not come out until the fighting stopped.

Echore reached for her lightsaber, but not igniting it. But then, she heard Mollbry screaming in pain. She turned to Mollbry, who is leaning over with her hand on her stomach.

Naruko: Mollbry....What's wrong?

Mollbry (In pain) : The babies are coming.

Echore became shocked. Alex and Naruko rushed over to Mollbry and hurried her inside, Captain Bentley followed to help out. They left Aiko & Codycob in concern. Echore told them to get ready to fight. As Jay rushed to link up with The 1st Militia, He felt a like someone is watching....someone he knows. But, something else came through, a darkness Looming. Jay turns to his front and saw a Zabrak, standing in his path. She stared coldly at him and ignited her lightsaber. Jay did the same.

Darth Nilo: Jedi Master Jay Lyon....I'm glad I found you first. You are coming with me; Lord Vader's orders.

Jay: And if I say No.

Darth Nilo: Then, I will break you and bring you to Lord Vader myself.

Jay: Well then, I guess you'll have to fight me. Let's see who is the greater warrior. If I win, you surrender to me and return to your Emperor without me. If you win, I surrender to you and you take me to your Emperor as your prisoner.

Darth Nilo: I've always been greater than you and any other Jedi.

Darth Nilo lashes out at Jay, and they begin a ferocious sword fight. Darth Nilo and Jay move their away from The Jedi Apartments and towards The Lincoln Memorial. This was a fight to see who is greater. Will Jay win this fight or will Darth Nilo?

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