Preparing For Battle

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May 3rd, 2018. After The American's got word that The Empire was coming, President Hillary Clinton order an evacuation of Washington D.C. & the surrounding area. The National Guard and The United States Clone Troopers helped with the evacuation of Washington. The Senators and Representatives were taken to Philadelphia to continue their duties. Hillary and Tim Kaine stayed in Washington and were taken to The Pentagon for safety. They will be placed in a underground shelter, with Marines and Clones to guard them. After the evacuation was completed, The City of Washington is becoming a fortress, because of gun emplacements being constructed and troops are begin positioned. During this, The British arrived with Fresh troops and supplies. After they arrived, The U.S. & British gathered at Capitol Building to discuss their strategy. In the U.S. House Chamber, They planned out their course of action and defense.

General Lincoln: We recently got word The Empire knows The U.S. will finish closing putting the acts in place in 2024. So, Washington D.C. is the target. Once they finish off The U.S., They'll head for The U.K. and place this planet under Imperial Rule.

British General Cunningham: No to worry, Mr. Lincoln. We have our defenses ready in case The Empire comes to us.

General Lincoln: Good. The British and American Navy will dispatch a fleet of ships to guard The Entrance to Washington and the coast. Ground Forces will defend and guard the entrance to The City and The Jedi Apartments. The Air Force is on stand-by. If they released, TIE Fighters, we will launch them and knock them out of the sky.

British General Cunningham: Good man. Our men will be within The American Army's ranks and in reserve. Will The Air Force have any support?

General Lyons: Yes....Anti-aircraft guns and & Railway Guns. These Railway guns are recently built and could help defend the city from The Invading Imperials. We recently heard they've sent a fleet of three destroyers. So, we've come prepared for something like this. Did you bring anti-aircraft guns with you, General?

British General Cunningham: Yes. They're being set up as we speak. That and we have a squad doing recon. They are scanning the area for any sign of life.

General Lyons: Good. We need to make sure we have a clear front. If The Empire went Washington, they'll have to go through us first.

Clone Major Burster: Easier said than done.

General Lincoln: It will be a hard fight, but we've have beaten back multiple enemy forces before.....

Brigadier General Lyons: The Rebs at Gettysburg.

Immortal Continental Baum: The British at Monmouth......No offense.

British Colonel Massey: None taken.

General Lincoln: Alright then; We have the whole city shut down. The Roads are blocked by both The Americans and British troops. The President has contacted every travel agency to shut down all travel to Washington D.C. We don't want civilian deaths. With President Clinton save in The Pentagon, The Imperials wouldn't save a chance.

Everyone nodded and agreed. They closed up their meeting with a handshakes and wishing them good luck and hoping God is with them in their upcoming fight. Meanwhile, on The Rochambeau Bridge, British and American Troops were finishing placing their barricades and guns emplacements. As they were wrapping up, they heard a gun shot ring out. The troops duck down and leveled their rifles. Did The Empire come early? Did The Clones turn The Yanks & The Brits? One can only hope. Then, They saw a squad coming back from recon. The have a U.S. Soldier who received a, what it seems to be a lazerbolt wound to the hand. When the squad reached to his line, Jedi Master Ryanken Matthias rushed over to them.

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