Chapter 15

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i heard Micah, Cameron, and Cliff talking, i knew i couldn't leave them.

"B...babies" i stuttered

"Mom, dont ever leave us like that again!" Cameron said

"I wont" i said

The doctors came rushing in, and 1 hour later everything was fine. about 4 hours later i was going into labor.

"Ahhhhhh" i screamed pushing out the baby

"We got him" the doctor said

They brought him back, and he looked just like Isaac.

"I'm gonna name him Isaac Aiden King" i said

I was crying with tears of joy. i have 3 beautiful babies and a man. i was gonna be released out the hospital tomorrow.

"Baby go home, it's getting late you can come back tomorrow" i told him

"Okay, I will be back" he said pecking my lips

I sat there watching my newborn son sleep. i heard my door open, and i seen Beauty come in.

"Hey, how is the baby?" she asked

"Good, i named him Isaac Aiden King" i told her

"How cute" she said

"Can I hold him?" i asked

"Yea" she said

I was Holding Anthony in my arms, he was so cute. lightskin hazel eyes, and light brown hair. i gave him back to her and she walked back to her room.

"Hi, baby mommy is so happy you are here" i said to Isaac jr. even tho he cant talk

He started smiling

I set him back down, and went to sleep.






I woke up, and got in the shower, i got out, and out in my Versace shirt, with some Camo jeans, and black vans.

"Micah, Cameron wake up" i yelled across the hall

"Ight" cam said

"Quit all that damn yellin" he whispered

"Watch yo mouth" i said

I went down stairs and started cooking breakfast. i was now calling up some people for the nanny position.

"Hi is this Asia?" i asked on the phone

"Yes" she responded

"You got, the spot can you start today, like now?" i asked

"Yea" she said

I hung up the phone and texted her our address, she over here in 10 mins.

Knock knock knock


i opened the door and this fine lady was standing there.

"Hello, sexy" i said

"Excuse me! i am here for the nanny position" she said walking in

"So your the nanny?" i asked

"Yea" she said

We had a good looking nanny, mom is going to be mad jealous.


so this girl walked in my house, she wasn't even lookin cute.

"Hi" she said to me

"Hi, bitch" i mumbled

She looked at me with a stank face.

I walked away, and headed to the kitchen

"do you see this ugly girl" i asked Cameron

"Ugly, she is fine" he said looking at her

I just rolled my eyes


Asia walked in and i felt a connection with her

"King" she said running to hug me

I didnt hug back, i was standing there confused

"Its, me Asia, I'm your Cousion on your Dads side." she said

"Oh, what's up girl" i asked hugging her back

"Nothing, who are these beautiful kids?" she asked smiling

"This is Cameron, Micah, and I'm going to get our newborn Isaac jr," i said about i leave

"Okay." she said

I was driving down to the hospital, and signed the papers to get her out.

"Hey my babies" i said kissing both of their cheeks.

We made it home, and i didn't see the kids, or Asia. but i heard them in the Game Room.


I am so happy to be home. i walk in the house, and hear a girls voice.

"Who is watching the kids" i asked Isaac

"The nanny" he said

"But she is also my cousin her name is Asia." he added

"Okay let's meet her" i said walking to the Game Room

"Hi babies" i said hugging them

"Hi I'm Asia" she she smiling

"Hi, I'm Jasmine, but call me Jas" i told her

She asked to hold Isaac,and i let her.

It was 7:45am and the kids had to go to school. but instead the boys and the girls are going to have their own day.

"Micah, cam, Isaac, Asia" i yelled

They all came running into the living room like something happen.

"What's wrong" Asia asked worried

"Nothing, the girls are gonna have a girls day, and the boys are gonna have a bouts day today." i said smiling

"Ight cool, i call shotgun" Micah said

"No, Asia is older so she is sitting in the front" i told Micah.

Everyone ran upstairs to get dressed, and we headed out in our cars.

I got in the Escalade, and he got in the Audi.

"Okay, so we are gonna go to the mall, dinner, and Spa." i said first driving to The spa.

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