Character pool

25 3 2

Hewo guys!
So before I start writing let's clear some things up.

First of all let's start by the wining ship!
First we have terroladd with 1 vote
Secondly we have minicat with 2
Thirdly we have terrosnuckle with a beautiful 3 vote
And the winner is* drumroll* Kryii7y with a whooping 6 votes!!!!

Now second of all do you guys want other ship in there?
If you do I will be able to put only two other main ship as either smii7y or Kryoz parents.
Who would you like? (don't forget to specify they are who's parents)
Or you can tell me your own mix of the guys

Do you guys want to have you or one of your OCs appear in the story?
If the answer is yes leave a full description in the comments!
Like name, age, height, looks, personality and backstory.

That will be all y'all have fun!!!

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