broken dreams

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"Bill Cipher."

Stanley knows this triangle, this thing, because of course he does. He's practically memorized all of Stanford's journals. He can remember the blood drops and the Do not summon at any costs! writing in Stanford's dumb loopy handwriting (the same loopy handwriting that was really hard to replicate, but could easily change into Stan's large, harsh letters).

This thinking just made Stan sadder.

Bill laughed, the sound surrounding Stan but leaving Stan unable to pinpoint a source. "I figured you would know me. Old Sixer talks a lot about me in his journals, doesn't he?"

"What's your deal?" Stan said with a cross of his arms as Bill floated closer to him. "Why'd you want to meet me?"

His one eye looked hard into Stan's and he leaned on his cane. It was harder to read his face when he didn't have a mouth. "We are similar, you and I." His high voice hurt Stan's head. "We both know how the world works, what makes it spin. We both will do what it takes for those close to us. We both want your brother in this dimension."

Stan didn't say anything in response immediately, so Bill talked more, resembling pacing as he floated back and forth in front Stan, keeping eye-contact with him. "You, Stanley, are something special. I've never seen something in the multiverse quite like you. You're tough, roll with the punches. You're loyal. You even still care about your brother, even though he's stopped thinking about you a long time ago."

And Stan's sad, so of course he asks, "You know how Ford's doing?"

Bill looks at him for a long moment before shrugging, "Since I'm a nice guy, I'll just show you for free instead of asking for something in return." And with a snap of his fingers, a screen appears in front of Stan.

It blinks alive and there he is, looking older than Stan has ever seen him. He also looks so different. A stranger with his own face, Ford is aiming a gun that's unlike anything he's ever seen. There's a cut on his forehead, dripping blood on his grey eyebrows. His glasses are cracked and show the reflection of the glowing blue beast he's currently fighting. His features are sharp, rugged, set in concentration.

There's a loud roar, Ford's eyes widen, and he's hit in the face with a purple rock shot from the monster's mouth. Ford falls and hits his head on the ground with a wince from Stan. Ford spits blood and pushes himself up, the screen going black and then popping out of existence.

"He's not looking so hot, is he?" Bill says softly. Stan can feel his eye on him as he looks down at his hands, guilt eating him from the inside out. "Fordsy's past 30 years have been filled with many instances just like this one. You saw all his scars, right?"

Bill doesn't wait for Stan to nod before continuing. "All your life, you've made mistakes. You're human. You've messed up. Your skills are limited. But I can help you."

Stan looked up at Bill as his heart felt heavier. Bill floated in close to him. "You only want a family. Something pure. Ford called to me for help and he wanted knowledge, which means power. You're better than him in that way. I can help you bring him back."

"You've helped Ford?" Stan's voice is quiet and sounds foreign even to himself.

Bill moves himself up and down, which resembles a nod in a way. "He summoned me to this dimension to help him build the portal. I know that portal better than anyone."

"What do you get from this?" Stan stiffens as he remembers the scribbles from his brother that looked like they came from an insane person. "Why would you want to help me?"

Bill turns away from him, facing the window and cross his arms behind his back the same way Ford did. "Him and I were friends once. He trusted me when he trusted no one else, you can understand. I want to fix my relationship with him, get back in touch with him."

Stan raised an eyebrow at this. "Aren't you all-powerful or whatever? Why does he have to be here for you to speak to him?"

Bill turned back around with a swing of his cane. "There's many rules surrounding the multiverse that your human brain cannot comprehend. Your brother has stuck a metal plate in his head and Gravity Falls in a weak spot, making it much easier to visit here."

Stan takes a long moment to think, his heart pounding loudly in his ears. "You'll help me rebuild the portal to get Ford back home?"

Bill's eye crinkles at the sides and Stan can almost imagine him smiling. "I'll make nightly visits in your dreams with the proper equations and steps." The world around Stan blurred for a moment before coming back into focus, Bill sticks his hand out, blue flames licking his fingertips. "It looks like you're waking up, we have a deal?"

And Stan feels so tired and alone and desperate so he grabs Bill's hand, the fire swallowing his hand. The fire's cold and Bill's hand feels like nothing. "Sure," Stan says, shaking the muse's hand.

Stan's looking into Bill's eye and suddenly he jerks awake, sitting up with his glasses sideways on his face. The sun is glinting harshly off the memory gun and into his eyes and he can hear distant laughter fading from inside his head. He considers briefly what the future'll be like with a smile on his face.

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