not an update. but good news, i think?

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Hey! How are you guys? 

So i finally got my computer after like forever of not having one. yay. 

anyways, i was thinking about this story a lot. and how many reads and votes i got on only the prologue. and wow, it makes me feel really good. and i really want to continue this story.. i just... 

i really need to know a few things, like; do you guys like this story? is it worth it? would you read it if i continued and even if the chapters were bad sometimes? or will it just be a waste of my time?

Because i've kind of lost inspiration to write it. i don't know. I'm willing to continue for you guys, though. 

so please comment, and within the rest of the week if you guys' really want it, i'll update!

thanks lovelies. xo 

The Tattoo Parlour ✈︎ z.m - j.b [on hold - struggling.]Where stories live. Discover now