Warnings/Before You Begin

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This story has, like any other, warnings. However, before I list them, I feel obliged to specifically point out that: this story is fucked up. Not guaranteed to fuck you up, but it is fucked up.

Anyway, don't let that stop you. 

Trigger warnings include: swearing, drinking, smoking, underage, mentions of pedophilia, mentions of non-con and abuse, homophobia. Further warnings contain spoilers, so I put them in the comment section, for those who want to avoid spoilers.

Disclaimer for the characters: Frank Iero (MJC), Gerard Way (MJC), Mikey Way (MNC), and Ray Toro (MNC) are members of My Chemical Romance, rock band from the 2000s. Andy Warhol is briefly mentioned in this story, so is Craig Rodwell: these are real people and I suggest you look them up if you do not know them. The rest of the characters in this story are original.

Here's a playlist I made for this story: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/5gda6cH60qiY5ZZzcjJ1vC

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