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There are some mistakes ....

Unknown ...

Screamin' , punchin' and kickin'. Was all She could do . Whatever it was would not let Hazel go .

" Your Finally MINE " the man whispered into hazels ear .

He had put Chloroform over her nose and mouth to make her pass out for a couple of hours .

He dragged her body out to his car and he made sure that NO ONE saw him . While he was dragging her , he examined her .

" She's so damn beautiful " he mumbled quietly .

He put her in the backseat and looked around once again . He went up to the front of the car , got in and took off .

He knew he had to leave New Orleans but , had to stay close to it . So he decide to go to lake Charles , Louisiana , which is only 3 hours away from the N.O .

He knew he could get away with this . I mean come on , the girl had no family what so ever , and she had no one who really loved and cared for her .

but he did ..

He loved the hell out of Hazel Nicole Foster and he would give her the love and care she needs , mentally and physically he thought .

He also wanted to kill her dead , he hated and loved her all at the same time .

No , he's not crazy or bipolar . It's just love can do crazy things to a young man like his self .

Overall , he was happy he did this , because he can finally be with with her , Forever .....


It wasn't that long of a drive from the N.O to Lake Charles . He was happy he didn't have to stop either .

Even though he lived in New Orleans , he had an little house in the woods of lake Charles . His dad gave it to him before he passed , they used to always come out here to chill , have fun , and be peaceful .

A tear slipped from his eye , he didn't like his dad that much because of how he turned out before he died , but he sure did love the man .

He got Hazel out of the car and carried her on his shoulder . She wasn't that heavy nor big . The only thing big about her is her cheeks and her thighs . Yea , she had a nice size ass to , but nothing to go crazy over .

Overall , she was the definition of gorgeous , he just wish she knew that .



She jumped up out of her slumber and looked around .

" where in the hell I'm I ? " she thought , she didn't want to say anything because she was scared out of her mind .

She didn't know where she was and she didn't know how she got there . The last thing she remember is her going into the abounded building , And someone grabbing on her .

Her kicking and screaming , Hazel wasn't the type to cry , she was a strong girl . Even what she has been going through her whole life , she only shedded about maybe three tears in all .

But right now , she wanted to cry a river .

" your up " a person said in a strong New Orleans accent .

Hazel was so scared she didn't know what to say , she just sat on the bed with her eyes wide open looking at the figure .

The man was sitting on a little chair with his head down . He rose up and started walkin' towards Hazel .

She backed up so fast you would have thought she seen a roach or sum .

" I'm not going to hurt you Hazel " the very handsome man said .

Hazel thought he was so sexy ! He had smooth light skin with lots of hair on his head with the sides cut , he also had a mustache with small hairs on his chin .

" Lawd he is sexy as hell " Hazel thought while starting at him . She finally decide she should speak .

" h-h-how do you k-know my n-name " Hazel asked while stuttering .

" you don't need to know that " the man said while looking at Hazel .

Hazel had gotten alittle mad at that . How were you not going to tell her how you knew HER name ? , and why you decide to just take her away to god knows where ? Hazel was always the shy type , so she wouldn't show how angry she was .

" c-can you please tell me how did I get here and what is your name " Hazel asked while looking down , she was so scared right now , she thought she would piss her pants .

" well one thing , my name is August and you are mines now . "


August on the side

This chapter was just a filler , the next chapter Is going to be longer and more exciting .

I've been real business with school shopping and school so these chapters are going to be coming slow , so you guys are going to have to bare with me .



Love you guys 😘

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