The First Step~Chapter 4

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Third Person POV
Our green haired friend woke up the next day fully healed and refreshed, he stepped out of his room and readied himself for another day of training and practicing.

Izuku POV
Ever since I cleaned the beach people have slowly been visiting it again 'Maybe I'll take Itsuka there' I thought before banishing it from my head 'You dumb idiot she doesn't like who would like me anyway I look so plain' I thought to myself while slightly hoping that she shared some of these same feelings.
I made my way to the forest that me and Kacchan used play in as kids, though instead of playing I used it to train instead. As I made my way to my usual spot I was thinking about that surge of power I had while I went to go save that girl from the 0-pointer. I came to a stop when I reached my spot, I set down all my gear and sat down myself in a relax manner so I can focus on that power from before. I definitely felt it but I couldn't activate it, it was all in front of me but I couldn't reach it. I punched a tree in disappointment and frustration and snapped it like a twig.
(Time Skip)
After my training session I felt satisfied with how far I've come since I could now build and keep two upgrades up for as long as I wanted and if I built a third upgrade I could keep it for two minutes. 'Maybe I should hang out with Itsuka like old times' I thought to myself because I've been backed up by all my training that I haven't been able to be with any of my good friends and not the ones that just use me for popularity. While I was walking home I pulled out my and called Itsuka. "Hey Izu hows it going." "It's going good Itsu, oh right I have some free time today we should go out somewhere like old times" I said not thinking very much, "L-like a d-date." She said on the other end. "I-I mean o-only of y-you want I-it to be." I tried to say confidently but failed miserably. I'm pretty sure we were both blushing harder than tomatoes on each of our ends. "Ooh who's that Kendou-San." A voice said in her background. "It's my friend Midoriya i told you about Momo-San." She said to her "Oh okay, did you finally him out." Momo said teasingly, in that moment me and Itsuka turned even redder. "Momo!!" Itsuka pouted angrily. "Oh and Izuku we can hang out later or something right after I finish strangling Momo." She said "Oh ok I'll call you later then, bye." I said trying not to laugh. "Ok bye Izu... y-you love him and you know it." Itsuka and Momo said. I blushed at the last remark 'I really hope that it's true Momo' I said in my head while scratching the back of my head.
(Time skip again cus I'm lazy)

Third Person POV
A couple weeks passed by, our green headed friend has took one step towards his dream, he has made it into U.A with the highest marks to so he's already made his first mark but many lie beneath fate to be uncovered by time.

Izuku POV
I wake up full of energy for my first day at U.A high, my dream highschool is becoming reality. After I freshen up and put on my uniform I head to the kitchen and have a light breakfast, "Do you have everything, do you have your handkerchief." My Mom just keeps listing things. "Mom I told you I'm fine and have everything so don't worry okay I've got to go." I say to her while putting on my favorite red shoes. "Izuku." She said to me. "What." I say kind of annoyed." "Im so proud of you." She says to me. I flash my signature smile and head off to school.

(Scene Change to U.A high)
As I walked inside the building I'm kinda rushed since my train was late. "1-A 1-A where's 1-A." I mumbled to myself. After running down some more halls I find my way to my homeroom. 'I hope Kacchan or that Blue haired kid aren't in my class' I thought. I opened the door and struck the lottery, I got both the people I didn't want in my class. "How dare you disrespect school property, put your foot down this instant." The blue haired kid said, "Do you always act like there's a stick in your ass, also who are ya and where are ya from." He said mockingly, "My name is Tenya Lida and I'm from Somei Academy." Tenya said, "Oh so your a fucking elite, I can't wait to crush you." He said in well how Bakugou says things, "Crush are you sure your aiming to be a hero." Tenya said in a worried tone, he looked behind him and saw me, "Hello my name is-." I cut him off "I heard your name from when you were talking to Kacchan, my names Izuku Midoriya." I say politely while offering my hand. "It's a pleasure, also please excuse my earlier rudeness, you saw the true reason of the exam you are clearly the better person." He says while bowing in a complete 90 degree. This has me freaking out because no one has ever bowed to me before. "Oh your the plain looking boy from before." A bubbly voice said from behind me, I turn around to see the brunette that I saved from the robot, "The way you held up and destroyed that pointer was amazing." She said while holding the air like she was holding the robot. "Oh no problem just glad that your safe." I managed to get out while stuttering. I look behind her to see a yellow caterpillar mixed with a hobo? "All of you be quiet." It said as everyone stared in silence, "It took all of you eight seconds to quiet down we'll need to work on that, time is precious in the hero course so put these on and meet me outside." He said while flashing a P.E uniform.
As we're changing everyone looks at me while I take off my shirt, there was metal lodged in my back and my front side, there were also some big scars "Dude what happened to you." A guy with spiky red hair said, "Oh don't worry about it's just a side effect of my quirk." I quickly lied but I was also telling the truth, when I was training my quirk my body developed those metal parts in me, and the scars were from me over using it, "Oh alright dude that's manly." He said before we walked out.
We all stood out in the open, "Hey won't we miss the orientation." Uraraka said, "If your all gonna be hero's you won't have time for things like that." Aizawa said, "How far was your softball throw in middle school." Aizawa-Sensei said, "127 meters." I said, everyone was startled at this while Kacchan just snarled and the Bi-Color kid just gave a poker face"Izuku heads up." He said bored as he tossed me a softball with some tech in it, "Throw this while using your quirk, you can do anything as long as your inside the circle." He said, "Alright then." I said while making the Slam Cannon and loading the ball in. 'Ready Aim.' "FIRE." As I shot the ball into the atmosphere. 'I erased his quirk how could he still use it.' Aizawa slightly panicked but kept composure as he showed my results. "For now we shall be testing all of your quirks with simple tests." He said as he flashed my score which was 1021.3 meters. The class just stared, snarled, and just confused until, "DEKU HOW THE HELL DID YOU GET THIS STRONG TELL ME RIGHT NOW." Kacchan just started shouting and sprinting at me while making sparks in his hands. "Bakugou please stop making me use my quirk it gives me dry eye." He said while tying Kacchan down with his capture tool. "Ugh why can't I use my quirk." Kacchan growled, 'Wait it all makes sense.' "Your the Erasure hero Eraserhead, your an underground hero." I said while fanboying, "Eraserhead whose that..." and other murmurs and whispers within the crowd. "Alright we'll carry on with the rest of the tests follow me." Aizawa said
(Time Skip)
Here are the results everyone
1.Izuku Midoriya
2.Momo Yaoyorozu
3.Shoto Todoroki
4.Katsuki Bakugou
5.Eijirou Kirishima
(And so on and so on)
"Also none of you are getting expelled it was just a logical ruse to get you all to do your best." He said while give his weird smile. Everyone just deadpanned at this. "You guys seriously didn't figure it out, sorry I should've said something." Momo said, 'Yeah you should have.' Everyone thought. "Alright everyone change and pick up your syllabus school days over your dismissed." Aizawa said
Hey author here sorry about not uploading for a while, but while I was gone I hit 1k views, I honestly thought I'd barely hit 200 but you guys killed it out there and thank you for that. Also my other book that won the poll is out so if ya want to check that out go ahead (man I love self advertisement).
So this is the Reaper signing off and I'll see you guys next time. here's the link btw if your to lazy to go to my account.

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