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Hello, I'm Ally. Ally Black. Yeah Yeah Sirius Black is my Dad. So what. He is only a prisoner in Azkaban. So if you what to complain then this is the wrong place for you to be.

I have red hair from my Mum. Judy Franklyn. She died from child birth. I was her first and last child. This was the same day Dad was taken to Azkaban. I also have green eyes.

In in my 3rd year at Hogwarts. I'm a slytherin. But I always hang out with the Gryffindor's. I was raised by Remus Lupin the only problem is that I kind of have a curse. My mum didn't really get along with voldemort so he 'gifted' me with the curse of Darkheart. It means that... Well it's hard to explain. Lets just say that I lose control of what I say and do. For example once I may have pinned Draco against the wall and the turned him into a rat. Which sounds cool but it gets worse. When you use the Crucio curse on someone you love. It hurts. Or the fact I can never feel love until i..... Kill someone.

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