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~Slutty Gossips

Your Pov

At the cafe^^^

I stared outside the window while sipping my latte.Until I daydreamed.

Tomorrow we have school.

MONDAYS..I hate Mondays.

And tomorrow, suppose to be the dance competition day but when I scroll to the school's twitter page for updates..it said there that the competition got postponed due to teacher's busy scheds.

Jungkook and I planned to just practice every after school time.Besides, we still have 2 weeks for preparation.

We might not have proper classes tomorrow since Principal Kim announced that the teachers will have an important meeting with her tomorrow and that,they will take time.

Yikes..Maybe the dance competition is involved there.Well,we'll see what will happen.

I took a sip of my latte again.

As I caught Jungkook staring at me while smiling.

I cleared my throat but he didn't even flinched.I chuckled and he just giggled too.

"I know I'm pretty but stop starring will yah.It's creepy yah know."I chuckled again.

"I wish I could but my love for you is also creepy.So don't blame me tho."A blushed crept onto my faceu.As we keep on talking about nonsense..

Jungkook and I finally but not completely made up cause I didn't forgive him yet.

Time skip...

We drove off to school.He opened the door for me as he went out from his car.I went out as well.

I hesitate a bit wether I should go in there or not.Since I can encounter some sluts and bumholes there.

Jungkook noticed me,staring at the school gates.He comforted me and held my hand.We smiled at each other.Jungkook held his hand out signaling us to walk.

We walked in the school hand in hand.Intertwining our fingers.Everyone looked at us.

Gossips are everywhere.

I rolled my eyes at them because of their stupid rumors.Some are nice but some comments are I don't concider as nice.


"Eww he avoided me because of that slut."

"I hate her!Ughh"

"What happened?I thought she and Jimin are dating.!?Maybe she's *gasps*"

"Cheating?Nah she's not.Besides its obvious that she really loves kookie and they are cute together."

"Yeah and besides we all know that Jimin cheats on her with almost every girl here.So in my opinion it's okay if she cheats to him too..I mean it's just a payback right?."

"They're still capable of each other.I wish me and my boyfriend could be like them."

"She's so georgous that Jimin and Jungkook love her.Even I love her."

"I want to be like her."

"Yuck why does Jungkook like that bitch!?"

"Whatever it takes they are still the most powerful couple as always...just like the old times."

Still HIS ||JJk ff.♡||Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora