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My name is (Y/N) Gould. I have a older brother, his name is Edd Gould. We haven't seen eatchother since he moved out. I was 13 and he 15. Curently Im 19.
I have a lot off fake friends, that bullie me, for not having a 'boyfriend',
messed up, I know.
Curently Im moving out from my parents house... Well I was kicked out...
But to the point, I want to move with my brother. I contacted him and he alowed me to live with him. He also told me that he has 3 friends living with him.

(Y/N)= your name
(F/C)= favorit color
(F/F)= favorit food
(F/D)= favorit drink
(F/S)= favorit snack
(F/N)= friends name
(S/F/C)= second favorit color
If there are gonna be other keywords are gonna be listed at the botom off the chaps.
Sooo... Another book from EW xD
Hope u will like the acual book when the next chap comes out.

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