Newborn Army

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Hi low everyone. New part time. Hope you enjoy. I don't own Twilight only my oc's. Bye and enjoy.

Melanie pov
We were all relaxing when Bella came in freaking out. Someone had been in Edward and Rose's rooms. Ryan and I sped off to find who had done it.

We found the scent but it disappeared five miles south of the house.

Ryan and I went back to our house.
" The scent disappeared bout five miles south of the house." I said.
" Someone's orchestrating this." Carlisle said.
" Victoria?"
" I would have seen her decide." Alex said.
" It has to be the Volturi." Bella said.
" I don't think it's the Volturi either. I've been watching Aro's decisions, too."
" So we keep looking." Ryan said.
" We'll also take shifts guarding them at their house." Carlisle said. " Another protection detail?"
"No. She's right. You can't protect us, watch our dad, and search for the intruder."
"And for Victoria." Emma said.
"And keep yourselves fed."
" I'm not leaving you here defenseless." Bella said.
" Well, I'm not gonna let you starve. And I wouldn't be unprotected. I have........."
" What?" Bella asked. I realized what he was saying. I sighed and leaned back. Bella caught on.
" No."
" It would help." Rose said.
" No. No way am I letting those mutts anywhere near there."
" Bella. It is their job to protect people." Carlisle said. I scowled at the thought. I didn't like this anymore then my siblings but I had to agree strategically wise it worked.

We all took turns doing the things that needed to be done.

A week later
I was in the living room with Carlisle and Ryan. The others were out huntin. Bella came in just then with Edward and Rose. We were watching the news. There were problems in Seattle. A newborn army.
" It's getting worse. We're going to have to do something." I spoke.
" It takes more than one of our kind to cause the damage they're reportin. Quite a few more. And they're undisciplined, conspicuous." Bella spoke.
" It's newborns." Rose spoke up.
" What like new vampires?" Bella spoke. 
" In the first few months after the change."
"That's when we're at our most uncontrollable. Vicious. Insane with thirst." I said. Ryan spoke.
" Something to look forward to." I spoke.
" No one's trained these newborns, but this isn't random." Carlisle spoke.
" Someone's creating an army."
"Well now we're definitely going to Seattle." Ryan said getting up.
" An army of vampires?" Edward asked shocked.
" And they've been created to fight someone." I said.
" We're the only clan even close to Seattle." Bella said.
" Regardless of why they were made if we don't put a stop to them, the Volturi will. I'm surprised they've let it go on this long."
" Maybe they're behind it. Aro wants me and Alex to join him and he wants Edward and his siblings. But he knows we'll never choose him as long as our family's still alive."
" An army could solve that for him." I said shaking with anger. Carlisle looked at me.
" If it is an army what would the next step be?" I sighed.
"Whoever is behind this would need to gather strength in order to have a slight advantage. They would need to keep adding to the numbers." Just then the others came in. Jasper came over and sat down next to me. I smiled and leaned into his touch.

One night Emmett and I walked in to see Carlisle patching Rose's hand. Emmett smirked.
" Trying to walk and chew gum at the same time again, Rose?"
" I punched a werewolf in the face."
"Badass. You're gonna be one tough little newborn."
"Tough enough to take you on." We heard Emma throw her newspaper down and storm out.
" Don't worry about it." Ryan told Rose.
" Got any leads?" Bella asked. I answered her.
" No sign of the intruder. But Victoria continues to make appearances." Rose went out to talk to Emma. Carlisle spoke.
" So what does this mean?"
" I think Victoria is trying to send a clear message."
" Then is she behind it?" Ryan asked. I nodded my head.
" She's hiding behind it." This wasn't going to be easy.

Okay. Done. Hope you enjoy. Adios amigos. See you soon.

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