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Hi low everyone. New part time. Hope you enjoy. I don't own Twilight only my oc's. Bye and enjoy.

Melanie pov
The day before, Jasper and I went with Ryan, Rose, and Edward to a clearing. We were meeting Jacob, one of the mutts.
" You're not fighting. What, did you pull a muscle or something?"
"He's doing it for me, okay?"
" Whatever. Just tell me the plan." I spoke.
"This field will give us an advantage in battle. We need to lure the newborns with Rose's scent, but it needs to end here."
"Ryan, Edward, and I are going on a campsite. Even if he carried me, they'll pick up on our scents." Rose said. Ryan spoke.
" Your stench however is revolting."
" Dude, you really don't wanna start comparing stinks."
" What he means is that your scent will mask mine if you carry me."
" Done."
" This is not a good idea."
"Ryan, they won't want to get anywhere near his......odor." I said with a smirk. Jacob picked the little human up and ran. I, after a bit, ran to see if it worked.
" All I picked up was wolf stench. No Rose. This will work."
" Great." Ryan muttered.

The morning of the fight I got ready quickly.

We waited for the newborns

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We waited for the newborns. When they came we fought. I quickly disposed of them with my family. One tried to attack Alice and I handled him. It didn't take long for us to destroy them. Then Alex freaked out. He had a vision of the Volturi coming. Ryan, Rose, and Edward came down.
" How long?" Alex answered Ryan.
" A few minutes. Maybe 10."
" The pack needs to leave. The Volturi won't honor a truce with the werewolves." Carlisle said. Just then we heard something. We looked to see we had missed a vampire. He attacked Leah and Jacob attacked him. He was injured in the process. Rose ran over. Carlisle and Ryan sped over. The wolves came out in human form. Alex was panicking so I spoke.
" Carlisle. He needs to leave. They all do." He nodded his head. Carlisle promised he would be there to help him as soon as he could.
" They're coming." The Volturi came out and came over to us. Out of the woods came Jane, Alec, Demetri, and Felix. Jane spoke.
" Impressive. I've never seen a coven escape an assault of this magnitude intact." Carlisle spoke.
" We were lucky."
" I doubt that." Alec spoke.
" It appears we missed an entertaining fight."
" Yes. It's not often we're rendered unnecessary." I mentally snorted. Useless is one word to describe them.
" If you'd arrived a half hour ago, you would have fulfilled your purpose." Ryan said.
" Pity." Jane saw the girl we had saved. She smiled evily.
" You missed one." Carlisle spoke.
" We offered her asylum in exchange for her surrender."
" That wasn't yours to offer. Why did you come?" Jane asked. Than she used her power and kept asking questions. Esme spoke.
"You don't need to do that. She'll tell you anything you want to know."
" I know." Jane said putting her gift back. Carlisle put a hand on Esme's back. I got in front of Bree protectively.
" I don't know. Riley wouldn't tell us. He said our thoughts weren't safe." The girl said.
" Her name was Victoria. Perhaps you knew her."
"Ryan. If the Volturi had knowledge of Victoria, they would have stopped her. Isn't that right Jane?"
" Of course. I suppose since she's your soul sibling she can live." Bree hid behind me even further. Jane spoke.
" But remember the Volturi don't give second chances. Keep that in mind. Cauis will be interested to know that they're still human." Rose spoke.
" The date has been set." Jane sighed then they left. Esme came over and gently took Bree away to help her. Carlisle and I shared a look. He nodded and sped off to go to the wolves. Ryan took Rose and Edward home.

We all relaxed that night and settled in. At some point Jasper sat next to me and I leaned against him. Alex spoke.
"So I guess we have two weddings to plan for." I chuckled and the others groaned. Alex wasn't enjoyable to say the least when it came to parties. And now with Alice with them this was going to be worst. This was going to be interesting.

Okay. Done. Hope you enjoy. Adios amigos. See you soon. This is the end of the third book. The last book will be up soon.

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