finn & wyatt

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so idk if many have been paying attention or whatever but basically, Finn told a story in a recent twitch livestream with his brother, nick, that he tried to paint his own nails once and they turned out rubbish so he described it as "it's like a special ed kid sneezed in art class" or something like that and later on, his brother nick told him to apologise and Finn said that he's sorry and hoped that he didn't offended anyone

Wyatt said something about transgenders and he referred to them as "tranny's" or something like that - which, by the way, is hugely offensive. He apologied immediately aswell.

But anyways, everyone accepted Finn's apology, but when it came to Wyatt, everyone ignored his apology and held grudges and kept bringing the subject up. Like yeah, if you got offended, you have every right to hold a grudge or give him a bit of shit for saying it, but there's a point where it goes over the top, and that's when you are acting like Finn did nothing and move on, and then give Wyatt even more shit, and don't let go of it.

i mean...
y'all: 💕💗💓💞💓💕💗💕💗
y'all: shutthefuckupuhomophobiclgbt-hating,fuckinglilbitchisweartogodget thefUCKawayfromusunoodleasshead ugh y'all STILL stan???!?  

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