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Okay, so I haven't made a fanfic in like think ninety years. So please tell me if I need a little work with this.


You were at the plane gate with your best friend, Kim Jondae. You looked at him as he brought his stuffed animal closer to him. You then turned and looked out the window, seeing all the planes come in and near each visible gate.

What am I gonna do? I haven't told Chen about my relationship with planes! We could've driven! can't drive over an ocean.

You sighed shakily and looked down, mumbling about how you're not gonna survive. You couldn't let Chen know your relationship with planes but you knew you had to just get it over with.

You hear a small announcement noise and turned to the table at your gate. The man there picked up a small microphone and spoke with a smile, "Flight 21674 has landed and the gate will we open soon. Please make way for the others as they exit the plane. Thank you and have a nice night."

You sighed shakily and walked to Jongdae. "Hey...Jongdae," you bent down next to him to reach his level. Jongdae hums and looked at you, lips curling into a sweet smile.

You blushed softly as he smiled, then looked down at his stuffed animal. "You ready to board?" You asked, biting your lip nervously. Jongdae nodded vigorously with a wider smile. He seems extremely happy to travel.

Twenty minutes passed and the whole plane was cleared out, ready for more passengers. Jongdae took his bookbag up and attached it to his back, holding his stuffed bunny's ear and reaching for your hand. You raised a brow and looked at his hand, soon catching what he was trying to do and taking his hand in yours.

You two soon got on the plane and head straight towards your seats. You were in the window seat while Jongdae was seated in the middle seat. Once you looked out the window, your heart started beating faster than it ever has.

It was nighttime. It was almost midnight. You hated planes and what made this flight worse is that you were flying at night. Great. Just great! Planes are the worst. No matter what time of day it is.

Jongdae looked at you, his chin resting on his palm which was resting on the armrest. If you ever had caught him he had the best excuse of saying he was looking out the window. But you never did look.

Jongdae's eyes soon shifted to look out the window, smiling as the plane backed up from the gate.

You, on the other hand, couldn't help but yelp by the movement. Jongdae looked around at everyone to see them look at you all, even the person in the aisle seat next to him glared slightly. He stood up and quietly apologized to everyone.

Jongdae sat down again and held your hand, causing you to turn to him.

Jongdae shot you the sweet smile you loved to see, causing you to blush softly and turn away.

The view out the window caught your attention, making your eyes come close to popping out your head. Jongdae soon caught on and squeezed your hand. "Y/N? Are you afraid of planes?"

Your eyes stayed wide due to the question. "Yeah," you answered and hung your head down, eyes relaxing.

Jongdae looked out the window and frowns softly. He hears the plane engines roar and you whimpering softly.

A smile soon splashed across his face as he thought of something. He held your hand with both of his.

You raised a brow slowly and turned to your hand in his, looking at his face.

Jongdae licked his lips and started speaking, "close your eyes and relax." He politely commands.

You weren't really sure of the idea since you knew he'd most likely troll you. You sighed and gave in, doing as he asked. You gripped onto the armrest near the window.

Jongdae smiled as he realized he was making some progress. He clears his throat and made his voice a little low so only you could hear and if anyone else heard, they wouldn't make out what he said. "Is this good?" He asked you.

You nodded softly and tensed up, knowing something was coming. Jongdae didn't have any intentions of trolling you.

Jongdae rubs his thumb over your red knuckles. "Listen to my words and my words only."

You nodded once more, sighing a bit.

Jongdae smiled at your action. "Okay. Forget about the plane ride. Just..think of what makes you happy. I know it sounds really basic but if you just think of yourself with it then it will stay in your mind throughout the whole ride."

You sighed softly and thought of him. Not only of just having him mentally with you but he was also physically with you. You couldn't help but smile and think back to the moment you two met. It was a beautiful memory indeed.

All you've ever wanted was him but you couldn't have him. He was only a friend. No. Not only a friend. Your best friend. Now that he brought that up into your mind you knew you couldn't let it go. You had to give up on the fantasy of actually starting a romantic relationship with him.

You continued to listen to him, "What are you thinking of?" He asked. Your cheeks heat up, responding with "a person.."

Jongdae nodded and kept his cheery smile up. "Keep thinking about them.." he mumbled.

You nodded and kept your eyes closed. Soon enough, a yawn escaped your lips.  You noticed you were still on the runway. Jongdae had let go of your hand and lifted up the armrest so it was in between your seats. You adjusted your seatbelt and turned your back to him, leaning into him.

Jongdae wraps his arms around you. You felt protected. You forgot that you were on a plane and soon drifted off into the dream world.

Jongdae leans down and kissed your cheek and whispered, "I love you.." into your ear.

That was fun.

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