Located in Rokkaku-Dai

175 8 2

//AN: Morning, afternoon and evening y'all! I just want to say to not start the song yet - I will tell you when. So sit back, relax, and enjoy the ride.//

Damn...' whispered Beat, over a cup of iced tea with Yoyo. 'So that's what happened.'
'Yeah...' the other broken, shrill voice replied.
'I hate to say this, but that means there's one less member of Poison Jam...'
'Don't say that though... they may or may not recruit new members as fast as we do but I feel bad thinking about it...' Beat said.
'Hey Beat.' Yoyo interrupted. He just couldn't sit still.
'What do you think we would have done if one of our members were shot like the dude from PJ?'
Beat didn't speak.
'Our members ain't even been with us for very long but i think us GGs ... care about each other more than we should.' Yoyo added.
'That could be our weakness.' Beat muttered under his breath.
'What..?' Yoyo said, almost abruptly.
'It could be our weakness, you know what I'm sayin? How would you feel if Gum straight up died today?'
Yoyo stuttered.
'I was still high on the feeling that the GGs were the unbeaten gang that no one could touch. I'm a bit scared.'
'But the GGs are still relatively new.' Beat says.
'We're doomed.'
'No no, Beat, don't think like that!' Yoyo stuttered
'Our gang may be new but the rudies themselves aren't! I think they're a little wiser than the other gang members around Shibuya, at least.'
'But how? No one knew Corn and Gum before the GGs existed to my knowledge,'
'But they are wise. You know that as well as I do. They aren't as stupid as those poison jam members! We can trust them!'
Beat didn't speak.
'And not to mention... Combo is here all the way from Grind City. Both of us could only dream about the stories he has to tell...'
'You're right. Maybe we are... slightly safe.'
'Um, thanks for listening to me though. I'm going to head to bed.'
'It's quite early, though. Only 12...'
'What do you mean , only 12? I'm tired.'
'Fine, go to sleep, loser.' Yoyo smiled as he excited the end of the Garage.


The world was beginning to feel like a flat plane. So bad that Yoyo felt brick walls simply appearing in his peripheral vision, telling him not to move. He couldn't move.

Then what did he become a Rudie for?
He sighed . He had slept for more than 14 hours, yet, after thinking about where he was for a while, realised he actually felt fine. He was in his bed looking at the ceiling, he wasn't decaying under a pile of leaves with insects crawling all over him like he almost thought he was.

Get up.

He stretched. His body was still intact. He was still alive.

Yawn. My breath smells like shit.

Yoyo got out of bed, and immediately stumbled and now just lay on the carpet floor of his room. Surprisingly soft. He closed his eyes and tried to sleep but... No. He had already moved. No more sleep left. He fell out of bed because he assumed he was wearing skates.

He lay there for a couple more minutes, letting his thoughts run free though he didn't pay them much attention.

But then he felt something wet on his arm. He put his finger on it t feel what it was, but it was just his glasses. Maybe he got water on them or something? He bought his hand up to his face ans the unknown substance was indeed A-Positive 100% Natural Yoyo blood. He rolled over in shock. Had he been stabbed? Why is he bleeding?

Nah, he had just fallen on his glasses. But he didn't notice till now. It didn't hurt, but had bled a surprising amount. Now there was blood on his carpet. He finally sat up to examine his wound, and it was a nice slice from the sharp frame of his cool by shades. Now he understands why he has permanent marks on his nose.

He sluggishly got up and walked into the bathroom, doubled over the sink and gagged. He felt so dizzy that he wanted to puke, but he hadn't eaten much in a long time, and frankly had no bile left after his previous binge eating episodes. As he regained his sense of direction, he opened the drawer next to him, and rummaged around, except there was nothing in the drawers except for hotel soap. He doubted hotel soap was good for wounds.

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