Chapter - 2

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'Arrey, no!! I'm telling you its true. You just think about it. Before this, nobody had even seen what NM looks. And now, everybody's sure she's dead! I mean when you haven't ever seen her, how do you know she's dead! She IS alive. I know it.'

'Come on, Navya! This is nonsense. What has gotten into you ?'

'Cabir! It's not nonsense. Just think once. Two weeks ago......'

I chuckled to myself as both their voices faded in the background as Navya followed Cabir to the store room at the back of the shop. Navya and her obsession with the mafia world!! I seriously think she was some gangster in her past life. She has been obsessed with this idea since the past two weeks, ever since the news of NM's murder came, that she is alive and is in hiding. She has been trying to convince others of this too. Poor Cabir has been seriously contemplating on visiting a psychiatrist.

Cabir came in view from where he had disappeared sometime back with an exasperated look on his face and a blabbering Navya behind him. He gave me a helpless look, silently asking me to save him from his near crazy girlfriend.

I grinned at him and decided to tease him a little more. I shifted a little in my place to have a clear view of Navya who had just exited the same room saying something about NM being very cold hearted. I decided to jump in at that moment.

'Umm, Navya! I wanted to tell you something. I think you are right about NM being alive. Obviously, how would you know somebody is dead without ever having seen the person, right! Did you tell Cabir about your theory of NM being underground?'

Navya's face lit up at my appreciation and she said, 'Even you agree, right? I was about to tell him about that next.'

With that she turned her attention back to Cabir and began rambling about how she knew for sure that NM was in hiding, in some corner of the world and was, maybe, planning her move in silence. 

I chuckled at her weird obsession and theories while Cabir was giving me murderous glares. I turned my attention back towards the guitar in my hand that I had been tuning completely ignoring him. I gently stroked the strings and smiled because of the peace this single instrument of music gave me. 

Music is my life. From ever since I remember, I had music with me. Other than my music, the only constant in my life is Cabir, my best friend, my brother. Cabir became my friend in music school. He had come from India to learn music here. After the completion of our course he decided to stay back. That was when we came up with the idea of opening a shop of musical instruments. We had instruments from all around the world but guitar was my favourite.

Even though its only been a few years knowing Cabir, I feel as if we have been friends our whole lives. He knows me like no other. All my strengths and weaknesses, my fears and insecurities, nothing is hidden from him.

I glanced back at the couple in front of me and found Navya still blabbering while Cabir looked, well, like he had been given the biggest punishment of his life. It was after we had opened this shop, that, one day, Navya had come in looking for a harmonica to gift to her father on his birthday. She is a fashion photographer working for a lifestyle magazine. Cabir and Navya clicked instantly and have been inseparable ever since.

Well, except for when she get into her super-mafia-obsessed mode. Imagine Cabir's surprise when he came to know that his innocent looking, talkative girlfriend was this obsessed with the gangster life!!

By now, Cabir looked about ready to tear his hairs out of his scalp. I tell you, Navya can literally talk anybody's ear off once she starts talking. The girl talks non-stop.

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