chapter 9 feelings are fatal

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(Song I listened to while writing this was:

Fools by Lauren Aquilina

feelings are fatal by mxmtoon


Its September now, the weather is still warm but you can feel that fall is coming. The festival is the biggest event of the year in our small town nothing else happens here but everyone knows of the festival. It's to celebrate persimmons, I know it sounds weird but our town has a large amount of persimmons that grow in the fall, you can find them every where you go. Even though it's not fall yet and the persimmons haven't started to grow we still celebrate every September. Its been 3 months since Ryan dated that Hayley girl and I haven't heard anything else about her. He's with Mel again and I'm okay with it.
Me and Tyson have became best friends over the last 3 months and now I would consider him more my friend then Alice is, I talk to him about a lot of different things and we just like to hang out a lot. I ask Ryan about his plans for the festival and we decided to go to the library for the whole week the festival is going on, it's just me, Ryan, and Tyson. I like getting to hang out with the both of them, getting to be with Ryan without Mel around makes me the happiest.
The first day of the festival we walk around together and eventually meet up with Mel and Alice. We dont do much but Mel and Ryan ride rides together and I wish I could ride with him more then she gets to. The next day of the festival isn't so important its the same old thing. But Wednesday night was something I wouldn't forget. I tell Ryan and Mel I want to hang out with just them and no one else including Alice, Tyson said he wouldn't get there til late so me, Ryan, and Mel could spend the whole day together.
I dont know why I didnt want Alice to hangout with us, to me it felt like she got in the way of me just talking to Ryan she always wanted to take my attention away from him but lately all I want to do was focus on him. I wish Mel didn't have to be there either, but that's his girlfriend and he should be where his girlfriend is, right?
Things seem alright through most of the day it's just the 3 of us, I'll give Ryan side way glances to look at him longer then I should, I'll look down at their hands intertwined and I'll feel a quick feeling of sickness in my stomach.
The day is turning into night it's some where between 6 or 7 I believe. We decide to walk through the tent, it's the only tent in the festival and it's full of people trying to sell things but some times theres free candy so it's worth it.
We get ready to walk past the jewelry area of the tent when we spot Alice, Mel smiles and yells for her, my heart begins to beat with anger as she drags Ryan behind her after Alice. We had all agreed it would just be the three of us that we would avoid Alice tonight so we could just hangout and its not like I wanted to hangout with fucking Mel in the first place! I turn around and walk out of the tent so I dont say or do something stupid.
I think I have myself calm but before I know it Mel is beside me, "look I found Alice." She smiles and the first thing I notice is her hand holding his and her bright smile and all I can think is, I need to destroy this bitch. "Your such a fucking cunt!" I say. And her smile fades and I let out a quick huff as I walk away. I dont feel guilt or sadness I just feel anger. All I wanted that night was to be with him to talk to him and only him. I make my way back towards the the zipper, which is the scariest ride at the festival and I find my mom and Tyson. I smile at him and told him what I said to her, and he burst out laughing sounding more like a girl than a boy.
I feel like it's all behind me and I can avoid all three of them for the rest of the night. But there they were again, I dont even think they tried to follow me they were just their, at a diffrent ride across from us. Mel was crying and Ryan tried to comfort her. I bite my lip in anger feeling a taste of blood, she knew what she was doing, she knew I wanted it to just be him and me, that's why she yelled for Alice and now I'm over here with my gay bestfriend instead of over there beside him. I want him to put his arm around me like that, I bite my lip harder as a punishment for thinking that way.
Ryan begans to walk this way but passes me and puts his hands behind his head and sighs hard, this is making him stressed. Tyson makes a joke about the situation and I laugh anxiously but look over to where Ryan once was and he's completely walked away. My mom is still standing there beside us and has heard the whole conversation, I'm glad she did.
"Nichole why do you think you called her that?" My mom askes me and I shrug "because she is one." I replied. My mom looks at me and smiles "stop avoiding the truth, you like him and you always have, that's why you've always hated her. Your about to fuck up, if I were you I'd go find him." She says. And my hands become sweaty, Tyson didnt hear anything my mom said, he was busy talking to someone on the phone. It's easier to avoid how you feel when it's just you that feels it but when it's so obvious you like some one that your mother knows you like them it's harder to avoid how you feel.
I look over to the alleyway he went down and take a deep breath "I'm going to go find him." I say. And I begin to speed walk down the street to find him...


Note: thanks for reading this chapter I'm so appreciative of all of you reading I never thought anyone would want to read my story, this story means so much to me so think you guys so so much ily 💕, I want this chapter to get to 16 reads before I post the next chapter, I'd like to get one vote on this chapter but if I dont I dont mind I'm just happy people read it. Anyways thank you again 💕 (sorry if the chapter was super long.)

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