I'll Always Be Here~Loki

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The battle was won. We rode away in a large spaceship, large enough for all of Asgard to get away. We would start anew and rebuild Asgard with a proper king.

I sat in a private room, drink in hand, looking into the mirror and wondering what became of Loki. I never saw him after he left to execute our plan. I only wished he was okay.

"Drinking never suited you."

A voice came from behind me. I turned to see the God of Mischief smiling at me; I returned with one of my own.

"Maybe you aren't so bad after all, Loki."

"Maybe not."

Chuckling, I finished off my drink, "Thank you. If you were here, I might even kiss you," I threw the bottle cap at the hologram, but he caught it.

"I'm here."

He walked towards me, his eyes glimmering down at me with such admiration.

"I'll always be here."

Raising his hand to my face, he let his fingers brush through my hair before placing his hand on the side of my neck and letting his thumb caress my cheek.

"Thank you," I whispered.

"For what?" He asked.

"For coming back."

With that, he leaned in, capturing my lips with his own. He raised his other hand to my face, cradling it perfectly as he expressed his love in a way without words that made more sense than any sentence ever could.

He wasn't forceful, there was nothing to gain from the kiss other than the kiss itself. My arms found their way around his waist to hold him closer. A feeling of warmth spread through my body, getting faster and farther with each second the kiss continued. It wasn't a fire of desire, waking up some primal instincts which could lead no where good; it was a feeling of comfort. Like a blanket of comfort from the world around us and the stress that came with it.

Sadly, the kiss had to end. He pulled away, glimpsing between my (e/c) eyes with his own icy blue ones. No words were needed, we both knew what the other was thinking.

Neither one of us knew what was ahead or what would become of our people, but one thing was for sure:

Any challenge the universe could throw at us would be dealt with together.

*sniffs* That ending was so cheesy I can actually smell it.

But DON'T WORRY, they won't all be that flavor of cheddar.

What did you guys think of the warm up one-shot? Let me know!

Also comment suggestions cause all I got is Loki/Tom Hiddleston and Markiplier.

Thanks lovelies!! <3

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