Chapter 5

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“Can you give me like a day to think about it? I can come back tomorrow to let you know. I just need some time to think, if you guys don’t mind.” “No. Not at all. Come over to our place tomorrow. We will give you the address.” “Yeah, sure. Thanks. I really don’t know what to say anymore.” “Just take the time you need and come over tomorrow, how about that?” Ashton smiled. “Yeah, I will. Thank you. Thank you so much.” I smiled.

 “JULIAN! I… I freaking got offered a record deal. And the chance to tour with 5SOS!” I shouted through the phone. I was standing outside the building, waiting for him to pick me up. “WHAT? That’s amazing! I’m on my way to pick you up. Stay there. And calm down, don’t get a heart attack. You’re totally freaking out.” He laughed. I literally had to go and sit down. Then I called Nick. I quickly explained him everything but he didn’t have much time since he was working. But he promised me he would come over tonight.

 “Tell me everything.” Julian said the moment I opened the door of the car. “A record deal and the chance to tour with them in Europe and America. That’s what they offered me. What do I need to do Julian?” “Do it! For God’s sake, this is a one-life opportunity. Screw what dad will say about it. It’s your life, you need to do this, Ella.” “I need to go over to their place tomorrow. I’ve got their address.” “Do it, Ella, or you will regret it.” Julian smiled. Nick pretty much said the same when he came over.

 The next day, I needed to go over to their place. “Right… Let’s do this.” I whispered to myself when I was standing in front of it. “Ow hey Ella.” Calum smiled when he opened the door. “Hey Calum.” “Come on in.” he smiled. Ashton and Luke were both lying on the couch, Michael was nowhere to see. “Hey Ella.” They both smiled. “Michael is in the shower. He will come soon.” “So, tell us. Did you decide?” Ashton asked. “I’m in. I do it. This is what I’ve been dreaming of for my entire life. I will regret it for my entire life if I would say no to this.” “YES!” Ashton smiled.

 They explained me everything. What countries they would visit, how many shows, when we had a day off, and stuff. We had 2 days off in the UK. That would be nice, since I have never been there before. “Ow hey Ella.” Michael smiled, his hair still dripping wet. “Hey Michael.” “She’s in.” Calum smiled. “Awesome.” Michael smiled. “Ow yeah, erm, I’ve made a new cover a few days ago. Maybe I can show you. I have my computer with me, in my backpack.” “Yeah, of course, let us hear it.”

 “I love it. Have you uploaded it?” “Not yet.” “Then do it. It’s really good. Be confident.” Ashton smiled. “Why are you guys doing this for me? There are so many other cover artists?” “I don’t know. You’ve got something. I don’t know.” Ashton smiled. “Thank you.” I smiled awkwardly. I stayed for the entire time at their place. It was so weird. They are so nice for me. This is just amazing.

 The weeks flew by. And I mean it, time went so fast. Every week, a new cover. Next week were actually leaving for the tour. But before we left, I wanted to do one more cover. Ashton helped me picking it. Eventually, I choose for ‘Sirens’ by Cher Lloyd. I’m so in love with that song. Ashton wanted to help me with the instrumental parts but I told him that I wasn’t maybe a good idea to do that, so Nick and Julian helped me. Julian on the guitar, and Nick on the drums. It was really sweet Ashton offered his help but I don’t wanna cause any trouble. People might think bad things.

 “Lay down here beside me in the shallow water, beside me where the sun is shining on us still. Lay down here beside me in the hallowed water. Beside me with the silver lining stays until the sirens’ calling.” I sang my heart out. I mean it, I love this song so much. Ashton was standing behind the camera, the entire time with a smile on his face. What is this? What is this between us? I don’t know. I’m definitely closer with Ashton than with the others.

Don't Stop - Ashton Irwin (5SOS) storyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora