Chapter 10

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The gig was amazing. So many people. Just indescribable. Next stop, Brussels. We all went to bed straight away. Everyone was just so tired. Somewhere in the middle of the night, I woke up because someone was asking my name. "Ella?" I heard is was Ashton. "What?" I whispered. He then jumped down from on his bunk bed and opened the little curtains. "I can't sleep anymore." "Ow, okay, so you wake me up..." "I've got an idea." Ash winked. He just casually crawled over me, so he was now lying next to me in bed. In the one person bunk bed. "Ashton..." I whispered. "What?" "What if the boys see this." "Just close these curtains. I'll make sure they won't notice it." "You're crazy." "Crazy about you." He grinned.

In the morning, I was awake first. Ashton was still asleep, with his arm around me. I tried to get up without waking him up, what succeeded. "Morning." Calum suddenly was standing behind me. I hadn't even heard him getting up. "Morning." "So... Ella, little question. Why is Ashton sleeping in your bed?" Calum asked, with this weird look on his face. Oh no. "Erm... We switched beds. I slept in his, he slept in mine." "Ow. Owkay then." Calum said but the look on his face told me he didn't believe me.

We spent the day exploring Brussels. Hopefully, without getting lost. He visited some touristic spots. In the evening, we had the gig here in Brussels. It was amazing. We got so many presents from fans, unreal. Now, to the UK. I had been looking forward to that. That's gonna be a long trip. From Brussels to Calais, France, then on the ferry to Dover, and eventually from Dover to London. Damn it, that's long if you ask me. We all watched a movie together on the tour bus. We watched Fast and the Furious 6 because I had that one on DVD. Or let's just say, I 'borrowed' it from my brother without asking him. He probably doesn't mind. Or let's just hope so.

We all tried to keep ourselves busy on the tour bus. Luke was under the shower, Calum was listening to music, Michael was on his computer, Ashton on his phone and I was cleaning up a bit, after I had Skyped with my brother and Nick, with my earplugs in. "They call me the wild rose. But my name was Elisa Day. Why they call me it I do not know. For my name was Elisa Day." I sang along, not too loud so no one would notice. Suddenly, someone pulled out one earplug and sang in my ear :" From the first day I saw her, I knew she was the one. She stared in my eyes and smiled. For her lips were the colour of the roses that grew down the river, all bloody and wild." It was Ashton, with this cute smile on his face. So cute until Calum ruined the moment.

"Ow... Sorry to interrupt your moment but erm, I was on twitter and I saw a really interesting question. Is there ever gonna be a duet between 5SOS and Ella? So, I've been thinking. It's actually a really good idea. Maybe we can do it?" Calum asked, looking at me. "Yeah, that would be amazing. Ask what Michael and Luke think about it." I smiled. "Sure!" Cal said and walked towards Michael. "That was close. I bet he's thinking bad things." I whispered to Ashton. "Nah, it's fine." "Why are we even keeping it as a secret?" "I don't know. We will tell them. I just think it's better to wait for a few days."

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