First BATTLE! Gasp!

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They start in Paris, cuz I wanted to akumatize Luka but couldn't figure out how to get him to Jade Mountain.

"Hey. Are you my new partner? The old Cat Noir said to meet you here." Cat Noir grinned flirtatiously and twirled his stick like a baton.

"Uh, yeah," Ladybug said nervously. She found that when she tried, she was really good with the yoyo tied around her waist. She noticed an earring in his ear, one of Qibli's amber teardrops. She felt lost without the necklace she now wore everywhere. "Um, I'm M- Ladybug. I'm Ladybug."

"I'm Cat Noir," he answered, grinning. "What should we do first? Save some kittens from a burning building?" His eyes glinted with excitement.

She smirked. "How about-" She paused. "Did my yoyo just... ring?"

His grin faded. "So did my stick."

The two of them flipped open their weapons and found Marinette and Adrien's worried faces peering at them through the tiny screens.

"M-Marinette?" Ladybug worried at her lip.

"Look, we've got bad news. Your first akumatized villain is on his way. His name is Lockbreaker. His power is to rip love apart," Adrien explained. "We narrowly missed him, but he's looking for Marinette and I."

"We think he's our friend Luka," Marinette admitted, "but we're not sure why he had negative feelings. You guys know what to do?" Ladybug and Cat Noir nodded. "Good. And don't forget to capture the akuma!"

"I won't," Ladybug said, trying to feel determined and brave and stop worrying. She turned to her new partner. "Let's go."

"Please be careful," Marinette begged.

Adrien shook his head. "Marinette. They're superheros, about to fight a supervillain. What is this 'careful' you speak of? And guys? Don't forget about Cataclysm and Lucky Charm, okay?"

"Okay," Ladybug said bravely. Oh, I really hope I'm not about to embarrass myself.

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