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Ashton and I ended up spending and hour at the record shop just comparing bands. He was into some really good ones too, like The Killers, Vampire Weekend, Nirvana, the list goes on.

Right now Ashton was walking next to me, we were almost close to my house down the street. Until Ashton took a turn to the right going into a court.

"Hey," I said catching his attention, "Where are you going?" I said not trying to come off as clingy, which was hard since I always seemed to be asking him where he was going.

"I live in this court, Ella. The second house on the left," He said taking a drag from his second or third cigarette of the evening.

I creased my forehead, my eyebrows furrowing in confusion as I realized he said my name. I didn't remember telling Ashton it, I just asked for his and he never asked back. Apparently because he already knew it.

"You..You said my name." I asked with confusion laced through my voice, "When did I tell you my name?"

"You didn't," He smirked at me with those same adorable dimples popping out at me.

"Bu-"I started only to be cut off, "Bye, Wood." He said my last name while turning on his heel and making his way across the court street and up to his house.

The last thing I seen him do was smash his cigarette on the ground, before I walked away not wanting to seem like an idiot, well more of an idiot than I already was.

I walked down the street and came across Cal and Michael dropping off Luke. They were all laughing in the car and Luke said bye, jumping out the passengers seat. I didn't see Rose in the car, but I still felt hurt over the fact that Luke was with them.

Standing on the sidewalk they didn't even notice me, even though I was in clear sight. Cal drove off and Mikey was hopping into the front seat as he drove off. I was still standing there, and Luke didn't see me until he turned around. By then I had enough time to take out my and act like I was busy, Luke didn't need to know that anything of what they just did hurt me.

"Whats up Luke?" I said while texting Rose to see what she was doing, I walked up our yard and to the front door with my eyes on my screen. Luke didn't answer, he just quietly walked up to the door and unlocked it and we walked in.

"Hey, kids," My mother fakely greeted us from the kitchen. "Dinners almost ready, so someone go get your father."

"I'll do it." Luke mumbled with his head down, but I could still see the somewhat guilty expression.

I smirked as he walked away, and said a quick hello to my mom then walked upstairs to my room. Rose replied saying she was just doing homework, and I told her she should come over for dinner because I was bored and didn't want to talk to Luke. So I could use Rose as a valid reason not to.

I ran down the stairs, almost bumping into my father as he rounded the downstairs hallway. Luke was trailing behind him, and the doorbell rang as just as I made it to the kitchen.

I left the room just as my father asked who it was, "Its probably just Rose, I invited her over for dinner."

I walked over to the foyer shutting the door behind me and then opening the front door to be greeted by someone I didn't expect.

"Hi." Ashton said leaning against the wall next to the door.


im in such a writing mood today, so there might be another update. but i have to update two other fan fics today so idk

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