The Next

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I sit on the edge of the hole. I smile at the sky. "I'll see you all soon. I thought that if I climbed the mountain, I would die. Now I have to fall to die. Why is it so hard?" I adjust my sling and my eyepatch. I push myself off the cliff, into the abyss.


I wake up on a bed of flowers. I sit up, painfully. I groan. "Why?" I stand and start to walk, painfully. I enter a large room. I continue to walk, using the wall for support.

A strange light shines onto a big yellow flower, the flower is alive. It looks at me.

"Howdy! I'm Flowey! Flowey the Flower! Hmmm... You're new to the underground, aren't cha? Golly, you must be so confused." The flower greets. I stumble and shake my head. "Someone ought to teach you how things work around here! I guess little old me will have to do! Ready?"

"Not really." I state. A heart floats out of my chest, glowing. It hovers in front of me. It is all black and it glows purple. "Guess I don't have a choice."

"See that heart? That is your soul, the culmination of your being! Your soul starts out weak but can grow strong if you gain a lot of LV." The flower explains.

"What is LV?" I ask. My free hand shaking.

"What does LV stand for? Why, LOVE, of course!" The flower shouts. "You want some love don't you?"

"Not really." I state nonchalantly.

"Don't worry, I'll share some with you! Down here love is shared through little white... friendliness pellets. Are you ready? Move around get as many as you can." The flower states. Little white pellets come towards my 'soul'. I move away from them.

"No thank you, but thanks for being so kind." I thank. The flower gives me a dirty look.

"Hey buddy, you missed them." The flower states. It starts to get mad. It surrounds my 'soul' in pellets. "You idiot, in this world... it's kill or be killed. Why would anybody pass up an opportunity like this?!" I gulp.

"Thanks for the help, Flowey, but I think I'll be on my way." I yell. I run as fast as I can, away from the flower. I stumble many times but keep running. I find myself soon surrounded by purple walls. I see some purple signs and walk up to them. I look to my right to see buttons on the ground. A closed door is placed in front of me.

"Only the fearless may proceed. Brave ones, foolish ones. Both walk not the middle road. Huh, a riddle. I love riddles. Walk not the middle road. So, press the ones not in the middle. Seems easy enough." I think aloud.

I press the outside buttons. The door opens. I smile.

Stumbling forward, I find another room. I see clearly marked switches on the wall. I hit the switches and the traps disable. I walk into the next room. I find two directions to walk, left or right.

I walk left, finding a bowl of candy. I take two and walk to the right of the room. I see a dummy. I walk up to the dummy and my soul appears.

"How am I supposed to win a battle?" I ask myself.

I look down, seeing four buttons.

Fight, act, item, mercy.

I click the act button. A menu appears in front of me. I click the the only option, which says talk.

"Hi?" I ask shyly. The dummy vibrates then words float in front of me.

"You won!" A voice states. I smile. I didn't even have to hurt it. I continue walking. I turn a corner and a frog jumps at me, my soul appears. "Froggit attacks you!"

I smile. I hit the act button. The menu pops up again. Compliment or threat? I hit the compliment button. Froggit looks at me confused, but flattered anyway.

"He had lost interest in the battle. You won!" The voice states. I smile. I continue walking and come across some spikes. Another puzzle. Maybe if I hover over the spikes, they will disappear. I extend a foot over the spikes and they fall into the ground. I sigh. I step onto that platform and slowly make my way to the other side.

Another puzzle, solved. I smile. I continue walking. I see a shiny thing amongst some leaves. I walk over and pick it up.

"Playfully crinkling through the leaves fills you with deter- curiosity ." The voice glitches. I smile, a sudden burst of energy runs through my veins. I forge forward, my adrenaline dulling my pain. I walk forward falling slowly into a hole. I walk up some stairs and find myself back were I was before. I continue forward.

I see another puzzle. Seems like I move the rock onto that pressure plate. I push the rock onto the plate and the spikes fall. I continue forward. I start humming to an old nursery rhyme.

I find another puzzle, the ground looks close to collapsing. I put my weight onto one of the tiles and it falls. I place my foot onto the next tile, it holds. I slowly cross the crumbling ground. I make it to the end.

More rocks. Seems easy enough. I push some rocks onto plates but the last one doesn't move.

"Woah there, pardener! Who said you could push me around?" The rock shouts, I smile.

"Excuse me? I was wondering if you could move onto that platform over there?" I ask. The rock moves forward onto the platform. The spikes fall, I smile at the rock and continue forward. The spikes rise again and I look back. "Um."

"Hm? You wanted me to stay there? You're giving me a real workout, pumpkin. Aren't things easier when you just ask?" The rock asks. I smile.

"Yes. And thanks for your help." I reply. I walk to the next room. I find another shiny item.

"Knowing the mouse might one day leave its hole and get the cheese, it fills you with curiosity." The voice yells. I smile and continue walking. I see a white blob, I walk closer to it.

"Zzzzz, is it gone yet? Zzzzzzzz." The creature asks. I smile and can't fit past it. I slightly push it and my soul appears. A ghost floats up.

"Here comes Napstablook." The words say. I touch the act icon. The menu appears and I decide to flirt with him.

"I'd just weigh you down." Tears fall from it's eyes and I dodge them. I tap the cheer icon. I give him a patient smile. I hit the mercy icon. Another menu appears. I hit the spare button. Napstablook flies away.

"You win!" The words state. Just glad to make someone's day. I hum the nursery rhyme as I make my way through the building. The ground seems very dusty.

"Every good rhyme starts with
'Once upon a time'
Long ago, far away
Centuries before your day

Humans lived
Monsters roamed
Both shared Earth and sky as home

Yet this peace
Came undone
War was waged and humans won

Forced below
Monsters fell
Humans trapped them with a spell

Listen children
To my words:
Ebott will eat you, beware the curse

Monster teeth go
Clack, clack, clack
If you climb the mountain, you won't come back!

Human child, human child
Won't turn around
Human child, human child oops, they fell down!

Human child, human child
Look out below!
Down underground where the monsters go

Oops, dropped your heart
Be careful in the dark
Someone might take it, break it apart
Trouble on the left
Trouble on the right
Will you spare them, run, or fight? (x2)

I find a house and walk inside. I open a door to my right and find a musty room with a bed. I'm tired, a nap couldn't hurt, right? Nah. I take off my boots. I pull off my striped sweater that match's Frisks'. I crawl into the bed and let sleep overcome my senses.

Their Lovely Angel: An Undertale Fanfiction (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now